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Saint Ignatius of Loyola: what is his story and what prayer to pray to ask for his help


He Saint Ignatius of Loyola Day It is celebrated every July 31 in Catholicism in honor of the person who created the Jesus companya religious order that promoted the Catholic Reformation in the 16th and 17th centuries. Through education, missions and its values, it promoted a religious movement that would give rise to what is known today as Jesuits. Even, the Pope Francisco was formed in this community dedicated to education and culture.

Saint Ignatius known as the patron of spiritual exercisesretreats and days of conversion or meditation, of the army and the armed forces.

Saint Ignatius learned about the life of Jesus as an adult and became a faithful servantGETTY IMAGES

Ignatius of Loyola He was born on October 24, 1491 in the town of Azpeitia, Spain. According to the Catholic Information Agency – ACI Prensa His passion, from an early age, was the militiawhich led his father to send him to Castile to be trained by a minister of the court of King Ferdinand the CatholicThere he was trained in both manners and knowledge and soon after was transferred to Navarra, where he participated in the defense of the city of Pamplonaa battle that took place in the year 1521. There he was wounded, so he had to spend a long time in bed.

During his recovery he devoted himself to reading books and studying about the life of Christ, which motivated him to change his lifestyle. After completing his rest in 1522 he went to the Montserrat Monasterywhere he confessed. He then decided to travel to the Barcelona area, where he lived in a cave for 10 months, during which he dedicated himself to prayer and austerity. In this place he created the Spiritual Exercises, a manual of reflection on the meaning of life, customs and the mission of man. When this stage was over, he undertook a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, inspired by his experience of faith.

Upon returning to Spain in 1524, he studied at the Universities of Barcelona, ​​Alcalá de Henares and Salamanca and then at the University of Paris, where he obtained a degree in Arts. Based on this achievement, he decided to found the Jesus companya pious fraternity dedicated to “evangelical perfection.”

The Jesus company —better known as the Jesuits— is the greatest work of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. It began in the year 1534, when the Pope Paul III approved the congregation and allowed them to be ordained priests. From the beginning, The Jesuits dedicated their days to the expansion of the Catholic message and both cultural and religious formation. Throughout history they had many moments of extreme relevance, such as in The Counter-Reformation and in the Expansion of Catholicism in Asia and America. Many still exist today educational institutions created and managed by this order in which it was formed Pope Francis.

In 1537, Ignatius was appointed priest in Rome, under the confirmation of Pope Paul III. In this city he continued his work of faith and founded the Roman and Germanic colleges. Ignatius of Loyola He died on July 31, 1556, at his home in the Jesuit headquarters in this Italian town, and his remains rest in the current Church of the Gesú in Rome.

In 1622 was canonized by Pope Gregory XV in 1622, who also named him as the pattern of retreats and his feast day was assigned to each anniversary of his death.

Pope Francis belonged to the congregation founded by St. IgnatiusArchive

To prepare for the Feast of Saint Ignatiusexist a ninth which millions of faithful begin to pray on July 22nd of each year, until the 31st. It is a set of prayers that are meditated on day after day. These can be found detailed on the official ACI website.

On the other hand, according to the Global Catholic Network (EWTN)the following prayer of Saint Ignatius is used to offer oneself to Christ:

Take, Lord, and receive all my freedom, my memory, my understanding, and all my will; all my possessions and my goods, You gave them to me, I return to You, Lord, and I dispose of them according to Your will. Give me Your love and Your grace, which is enough for me. Amen.

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