Home » today » World » Saint-Girons. Anthony “the Intruder” of the Night of slam in Couserans

Saint-Girons. Anthony “the Intruder” of the Night of slam in Couserans

Slam – the art of public declamation of urban poetry – was born in 1986 in Chicago. 35 years later, in the heart of Ariège, the flow of chanted words, rhymed or not, often funny, sometimes provocative, resonates in the valleys.

This intrusion, we owe it to Anthony.

Anthony, a slammer by trade, is known by the pseudonym the “Intruder”. The “Intruder”, the one who cannot keep still, the one whose place, precisely, is never where it is. The one who blurs the tracks. And our “Intruder” has, for a long time, a small idea in mind: this slam anchored in the big cities, it will import it in Ariège. Thus, over the years, armed with an unbridled imagination, Anthony makes his voice resound in the schools of Couserans, in the media libraries, animates workshops, open stages. Still more projects to transmit the word virus.

The virus…

In March 2020, the Covid is breaking out. The Artists are hit hard. The end of their work is incredibly brutal. How can we create when the very object of creation – its sharing – is now impossible?

Anthony had to reinvent himself. From the creative lethargy of successive confinements, he was “saved by the children”. Those of the school of Soueix where he took care of extracurricular workshops in December. Those of the CM1 / CM2 class of Biert where the “La Fabrique à Chansons” project (writing a text, setting to music, studio recording, shooting of the clip and scene at the next Ti’Stival) continues.

In March, here he comes back with a perfect remedy for the gloom: a Night of the slam formula “Covid compatible”. This festive night where, before, the Slameurs followed one another on stage to declaim their poems, will now take place via the Internet. The Artists’ performances will be recorded at home by the professional Art’Cade teams and then broadcast on the networks.

The Covid has reshuffled the cards, forcing something new. And Anthony, this multifaceted “Intruder”, unpredictable poet and vocalist, confirms to us that, for art, yes, definitely, there will always be a tomorrow.

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