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Saint-Étienne: ENISE joins Centrale Lyon

The famous engineering school of Saint-Étienne has approached the ICL, the central school of Lyon. The two establishments have been linked since January 1.

It is the culmination of a project initiated in 2013, which finally saw the light of day this Friday, January 1. ENISE, the engineering school of Saint-Étienne, has officially joined the ICL, the central school of Lyon.

A marriage that worries

About two months later the failed merger between the UJMs and the Lyon universities, the marriage has indeed taken place between the engineering schools. A reconciliation which worries the CGT on several points.

It is a loss of autonomy insofar as in the new establishment the accounting agency and the financial services are installed at the ECL. And the directions of ENISE are delegated directions“, explains a union representative following this file.

For students, this change is not painless. In terms of tuition fees, we go from 600 euros currently at ENISE, to 2,500 euros. It may close doors for some students“.

There is no merger. Here we are talking about integration. Our school, ENISE, remains visible. It keeps its name and its location on its two Saint-Etienne sites. It is she who will defend his diplomas before the commission. There will be no mutation at the Écully site. This establishment will be stronger to look to the future“, reassures François-Marie Larroutourou, director of ENISE.

A change in tuition fees to “modernize”

Regarding tuition fees, the upcoming increase is not denied by the director, which nevertheless specifies: “students who joined the course before this merger are not affected. The new registration grid will be implemented in September 2023 and it will not apply to all students (scholarship holders, apprentices excluded)“.

The objective of the new price list is to allow establishments to to modernize oneself (project to expand the premises in particular) and continue to operate.

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