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Saint-Étienne. Breastfeeding meeting this October 23rd

Promoting, supporting and normalizing breastfeeding is the main goal of La Grande Tétée, an event that takes place during World Breastfeeding Week. For the first time in Saint-Etienne, this Sunday 23 October from 10:30 to 16:00 a meeting is organized at My Eden, yoga room, located in rue des Aciéries.

“The aim is to provide information on breastfeeding by sharing female-to-female experiences,” explains Morgane Richard, creator of the Lait Fée Mère micro-enterprise in the Loire region. She will be accompanied by Sarah Chataing Pointe, osteopath and perinatal companion, also creator of Be Baby.

“Today mother-to-mother support is essential”

For Morgane Richard, “with the return to nature, there is an awareness among women of the benefits of breastfeeding,” she says. The COFAM (French Coordination for Breastfeeding) estimates that the duration of breastfeeding in France would average 15 weeks. From birth, 68% of babies would be fed breast milk and by the age of 6 months they would only be 22%.

In the Loire, unfortunately, there is no longer a lactario, a service that not only allowed children to be born prematurely to be fed, but which also accompanied mothers who nursed their children. “And all moms don’t systematically go through childbirth preparation courses where they can also be educated about breastfeeding,” says Morgane Richard.

“Mother-to-mother support is essential today,” she explains. Many groups have also been created on social networks in recent years. Women share their experiences there.

It is therefore a concrete and friendly meeting, off the net, what Morgane and Sarah propose this Sunday 23 October. “Sharing of experiences is essential. It reassures and normalizes the possible fears of future mothers ”, concludes Morgane Richard.

More information from Morgane Richard via e-mail [email protected] or on www.laitfeemere.fr/www.bebaby.fr

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