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Saint-Denis: towards the end of 100% social housing in the city of Franc-Moisin

It is a new upheaval that is coming, in the Franc-Moisin district. The city of Saint-Denis – 1,800 housing units, 9,000 inhabitants – will enter a new era of works. A project, submitted in March to Anru (National Agency for Urban Renewal) must pass before the end of October in the engagement committee, for a first green light. Total cost announced: € 172 million.

The city has already been renovated in the past. But this time, its landscape will be profoundly changed, with the planned demolition of 477 housing units, the construction of several streets, and the construction of private housing in the heart of the district.

The project, which would be completed by 2030, plans in particular to knock down the “Wall of China”, a sweet nickname given to the B4 bar, a massive building, 13 stories high and housing 291 apartments. “Nothing has been finalized yet,” says Philippe Lebouc, heritage director at Logirep.

“Diversify the habitat”

The lessor, owner of the B4, is not enthusiastic about the idea of ​​demolishing the largest of its Ile-de-France bars. He considers the operation costly – “25 M €, including 4 M € at our expense” and is worried about the rehousing of the occupants. “But we understand that it will be difficult to sell a home ownership program at the foot of such a bar,” adds Philippe Lebouc.

Saint-Denis, Saturday August 31. Cité du Franc Moisin.LP / G.B.

Because this is one of the main challenges of this program: “Diversifying housing”, in a district which today has 100% social housing. Private housing, home ownership must therefore grow in Franc-Moisin. The entire existing park will also be rehabilitated.

“A city very closed in on itself”

New streets will cross the district, to open up “a city very closed on itself”, according to David Proult, deputy mayor (Left Front), and vice-president of the lessor Plaine Commune Habitat (PCH, the other lessor concerned).

“No roads cross the district today,” he explains. And no one, except the locals, has the slightest reason to go there. This causes a feeling of confinement, despite the proximity of public transport. ”

Saint-Denis: towards the end of 100% social housing in the city of Franc-Moisin

The demolished social housing will only be partially rebuilt on site. This already constitutes a departure from the Anru regulations, underlines David Proult: “He recommends rebuilding them outside the priority districts of the city. Which amounted to saying: outside Saint-Denis. However, people are attached to their neighborhood. »Of 591 new housing units planned for Franc Moisin, 251 will therefore be low-cost housing. 266 will be built elsewhere, notably at the Fort de l’Est.

Those who wish will remain

This raises concerns. Some residents are mobilizing. “Those who wish can stay at Franc-Moisin,” says David Proult. He invokes the social survey carried out among PCH tenants affected by the demolitions. Only 35% responded that they wanted to be relocated on site.

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