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Saint-Denis-lès-Bourg. The sports and societal project of a young school teacher

Passionate about teaching, Hugo Badoux flies in mid-August for the island of Mayotte, in the Indian Ocean, above Madagascar. In the village of Tsingoni, where 6,000 inhabitants live, it will integrate the Pomme Cannelle associative primary school, with 130 students divided into 5 classes. He will be responsible for CE2, ie 24 students. “Living outside the metropolis is a wish”, underlines Hugo, holder of a scientific baccalaureate obtained at the Carriat high school in Bourg and a master 2 (teaching professions specializing in physical education and sports) at the UFR Staps (Lyon) which give him the ability to be a school teacher This sports enthusiast wanted to be a PSE contractor.

A human and sporting partnership

This passion, he wins in his trip with a project to create a sports association at his school in Mayotte to make all the students discover and practice sports activities, to bring them a better daily life. This school, in the poorest French department, approves his project.

“Children have lessons in the morning from 7 am to noon, free time in the afternoon would be devoted to sports. No sports infrastructure exists. So why not create this sporting atmosphere with an innovative elementary school initiative? The children there are quite disadvantaged. I would like through sport to make their daily lives better, to strengthen the link between classes, with the convictions that the values ​​of team sport will reflect on children, will be a vector of academic success. The establishment has few facilities and materials at the moment. Students and their parents are asking for it. Their equipment expectations are for table tennis, basketball, rugby and football, gymnastics, athletics, but also learning to swim in the land of beautiful lagoons. “

A call for corporate sponsorship

The search for donations would allow the school to supplement its material budget, which is currently limited, an additional supplement which will be adapted to expectations. With companies, this device can be implemented over the course of the school year, this aid is part of patronage with a tax advantage. “In exchange for donations, I will bring news, photos and reports of the sports association’s actions. I will also be present in France during the Christmas holidays. “

Hugo Badoux, tel. Mail: [email protected], Cagnotte Leetchi: sports association pot apple cinnamon mayotte.

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