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Saint Antonin Noble Val (82)

Saint Antonin Noble Val that you pronounce in Occitan Saint Antonin. Saint Antonin is located in Rouergue, at the confluence of two rivers: the Aveyron and the Bonnette. Antonin came to evangelize the Ruthenians at the beginning of the Christian era. Aler, says the legend that the body of St. Anthony / the legend says that the body of Saint Antonin martyred in Pamiers in the Ariège, sails to Saint Antonin Noble Val in a boat driven by two white eagles. Saint Antonin is therefore the first evangelizer of Rouergue. A monastery / a monastery founded in his honor in the 8th century is at the origin of the town.

The village of San Antonin changed its name more than once…

The village will change its name several times. Before the Revolution, only St. Anthony sounded / Before the Revolution, we only talked about Saint Antonin. Then during the Revolution, the town will take the name of Libre Val. Maybe they decided to adjust in French Noble Val in 1962 / it was in 1962 that the village officially took the name of Saint Antonin Noble Val. Aler, why that reference? / why this reference to Noble Val? It was the Romans, who when they arrived in this Aveyron valley, decided to baptize the place The famous valley. In French: Noble Val.

How do you say the verb walk in Occitan?

Answer: to walk. During this Pentecost weekend, you may be able to discover this very beautiful village and take the opportunity to hike around Saint Antonin Noble Val. Walk you will walk! There are about fifteen trails for the practice of hiking, horseback riding or cycling. And you also have a nice market every Sunday morning / there is also a nice market every Sunday morning. A bric-a-brac more than 1900 residents in St. Antonin / just over 1900 inhabitants in Saint Antonin. Farewell-siatz to all Saint Antonins.

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