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Sahroni: Thank you Giring, I am more enthusiastic about work

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – The Formula E event is getting attention again after some time ago.

Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Giring Ganesha made an inspection of the location of the Formula E circuit in the Ancol area, North Jakarta.

During his visit, Giring conveyed his criticism of the location of the circuit, starting from the presence of goats, muddy ground to feeling unprepared.

In connection with that, the Chief Executive of Formula E Ahmad Sahroni expressed his gratitude for the various criticisms from Giring.

According to him, the criticism is certainly an input and motivation for the committee to continue working to ensure the smooth running of Formula E in the future.

“First of all, I would like to thank Giring for his various criticisms. We certainly accommodate and motivate all of us to ensure that Formula E runs smoothly. Yesterday’s video of him at the circuit was certainly a source of encouragement for me to ensure that the infrastructure of the circuit will be really good, according to standards, and that the construction will run smoothly,” said Sahroni in his statement, Saturday (8/1/2022).

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Furthermore, Sahroni also highlighted one of Giring’s critical points regarding budget transparency in this event.

“The issue of transparency is also my main point, because it is one of the points that Giring and PSI criticize and the community. I will make sure that for this Formula E transparency is maintained and we will always put it forward. Starting from the transparency of the work process, to transparency regarding the budget and so on,” he said.

Sahroni did not forget to express his gratitude for the various inputs and criticisms addressed by Giring on Formula E.

“I thank Giring for his various inputs. I also don’t care if the criticism has political intentions, political intentions or whatever. Or maybe Giring has a special sentiment towards someone, I don’t care. What I take is only constructive criticism, and I hope that these criticisms will continue to be carried out by Giring and all of his friends. Once again, thank you, Giring Ganesha,” he concluded

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