Home » today » Business » Sàhara Teatre premieres its work “El credit” at the Gran Teatro de Elche

Sàhara Teatre premieres its work “El credit” at the Gran Teatro de Elche

The ilicitano amateur theater group Sahara Theater, which has just completed 30 years of existence, since its formation at the IFP. Polytechnic, now IES. Sixto Marco, premiered last Friday, with public and critical success, on the boards of the Elche theater Great theater Jordi Galcerán’s text “El credit” and the following day, Saturday, I perform at the VI La Escena Sueña contest, in the town of Almedinilla (Córdoba), another of his last four award-winning shows, which do not stop touring the contests and amateur theater festivals of the Spanish geography.

In “El credit” a bizarre story is told in a Bank branch which has as its starting point the refusal that a client receives when requesting a small credit and whose transfers will call into question various aspects, from the banking establishment to loyalty.

After “Ñaque y otros piojos” (2010), “El pintura” (2019) and “Las criadas” (2020), Sàhara Teatre now returns with “El credit”. «Elche is one of the cities in Spain in which amateur theater is most important, as evidenced by the theater groups that we have touring all over the country and the prizes that we are winning in different competitions”, assures the director of the company, David López.

The new project was intended to be launched in 2019, but the difficulties that the health crisis have prevented it from being done until now. On this occasion, López has surrounded himself with the actors Pablo Gascón and Javier Díez. «The three of us make up the hard core of Sàhara Teatre, we are the ones who have been there from the beginning», adds the director.

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