Busy at the Las Vegas residenceKaty PerryA short video of drooping eyelids was filmed by the public a few days ago and is now going viral on the internet.
fragment seen,38YearsKatyDuring a performance in Las Vegas, her right eyelid dropped uncontrollably, she held it open with her hand, but dropped again as soon as she let it go. After that, she tried to open it again with her hands, but without success, so her eyes slowly returned to normal.KatyImmediately called the audience to cheer for her. The short video went viral on the internet,KatyA friend revealed to the media that she got stuck on her eyelids with false lashes that day, causing her eyelids to drop, however, netizens are worried about her.Justin BieberFacial paralysis is common.
Originally posted on AM730 https://www.am730.com.hk/entertainment/ drooping eyelids while singing katy-perry, suspected facial paralysis / 344866? utm_source = yahoorss & utm_medium = referral