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SAGAN PROBLEMS WITH THE LAW! The cycling star is summoned by the police

Peter Sagan was supposed to break traffic regulations during training for the Around Slovakia race. SOURCE: TASR – Radovan Stoklasa

KOŠICE – Traffic regulations apply to everyone in Slovakia. Also for the world champion in cycling or the winner of the Tour de France. Even if you are training at our biggest cycling races around Slovakia. All you have to do is not follow a path as a group, but several next to each other. Otherwise you have problems with the law and risk a fine

This is exactly what happened in the village of Valaliky near Košice, where a group of riders, including Peter Sagan, was transferred around the race before Slovakia. During the training, they did not cross the village in order, and it was enough for them to be noticed by an orderly citizen and to report everything to the police. Exactly in the spirit of “not giving, but you have to inform.” A bizarre case that must now be handled by local police. “From the Department of Traffic Police of the Presidium of the Police Force, a complaint was forwarded to the District Traffic Inspectorate in the surrounding Košice regarding the suspicion of committing an offense against the safety and smoothness of road traffic in the village of Valaliky. For the time being, the police are clarifying this initiative as a violation of the safety and smoothness of road traffic. The police are working intensively to identify the persons suspected of committing this act, as their identity is not unambiguous from the filing. In the case of proving the commission of this offense against the safety and smoothness of road traffic by a specific person, this person will be resolved in accordance with the applicable law on offenses, “ said the regional police spokeswoman Lenka Ivanová.

“Pursuant to the provisions of § 55 par. 2 of the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 8/2009 Coll. the Act on Road Traffic and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended, cyclists may only ride one after the other. This does not apply to cyclists, where two cyclists may ride side by side, provided that they do not restrict or endanger other road users. A cyclist may not ride without holding the handlebars, holding another vehicle, riding a second bicycle, hand truck, dog or other animal, and carrying objects that would make it difficult to ride a bicycle or endanger other road users. When riding, the cyclist must have his feet on the pedals, this does not apply to a bicycle that is not powered by the pedals. ” added Ivanová.

Peter Sagan was supposed to break traffic regulations during training for the Around Slovakia race. SOURCE: TASR / Radovan Stoklasa

The discussants on the Internet are considered a pleasant amusement of the autumn covid period to fine professional cyclists who probably violated the regulations and did not ride behind them. “Given that the complaint was initiated on the basis of a static image – a photograph, it is not possible to determine whether the driving was in violation of the rules of the road. The law stipulates that cyclists ride one after the other, but at the same time does not prohibit prevention, in which case it even stipulates that it is prevented on the left. Thus, cyclists riding on the left could quite easily prevent cyclists riding on the right, which is in accordance with the regulations. In this case, the police will have trouble proving a violation. Of course, if there is no record. In addition, as stated in the article, it will also have a problem with the identification of the cyclists themselves, ie the persons who should have committed the offense. “ writes one of them. The whole case will be watched with interest by the whole of Slovakia, especially whether the police will be able to summon, hear and possibly even fine Petr Sagan.

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