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Safety nets, firearms and 40,000 euros found in research into illegal bird capture

During an investigation into the illegal catch and sale of birds in the Overijssel municipality of Tubbergen, 100 meters of safety nets, firearms and 40,000 euros in cash were seized. 96 birds are housed in a special shelter.

The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), police, game wardens and the province of Overijssel have searched homes, company sheds and surrounding areas in Tubbergen in recent months.

According to the police, there is a lively and partly illegal trade in birds. The birds are caught in the wild with special, very fine mesh mist nets and cages with live decoys. Many birds do not survive this method.

In addition, in many cases it concerns protected bird species. Until now, goldfinches, siskins, goldfinches and redwings have been seized. The investigation is still ongoing, reports RTV East.

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