Home » Health » Safety levels are achieved again in Burgos’ vaccination process

Safety levels are achieved again in Burgos’ vaccination process

The province closed 2022 with childhood vaccination rates above 95% in all the doses provided for in the official calendar against very serious diseases, such as poliomyelitis, diphtheria, hepatitis B or meningitis. Thus, according to data from the Ministry of Health – still provisional – Burgos has recovered the coverage recommended by the Ministry of Health and other international organizations to move towards the eradication of these pathologies.

Thus, the pothole caused by the pandemic is beginning to be overcome, although in some cases, despite the obvious improvement, the immunization rates prior to the emergency have not been recovered. Nor has it happened in memory punctures in children over 1 year of age and adolescents.

Vaccination is voluntary in Spain, but the goal of the Ministry of Health is for coverage to reach values ​​as high as possible. Hence, Public Health and Primary Care usually collaborate in what is technically called ‘recapture’; that is, in the process of contacting again with families who have not been able -or wanted- to vaccinate their minor children to remind them that possibility and explain the benefits.

(More information in today’s printed edition of Diario de Burgos)

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