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“Safety is a basic need of horticultural companies”

Since August 2022, Christian Senft and Dr. Dietmar Kohlruss the new management team of Gartenbau-Versicherung. In an interview with TASPO, they talked about digitization, accessible security for companies, prevention and young professionals, among other things.

Horticulture is subject to structural changes and the number of farms in Germany is steadily decreasing. Does horticultural insurance also have to undergo a change?

Mustard: Both structural change in horticulture and climate change have been predictable for some time. That’s why our step overseas many years ago was exactly right. It still serves today to spread the risk and thus the goal of an affordable offer for all members. We must and want to ensure this reliably in the future as well. After all, safety is a fundamental need of horticultural companies and at the same time our mission. Digitization also serves this purpose. Above all, it must be relief and relief. Technology must serve people, not the other way around. It also assumes that processes are optimized beforehand. An important topical issue for us is the uniform standards in the countries. So change has long been on the agenda in horticultural insurance, and sometimes we dare to take a big step.

Business insurance must remain affordable. In light of the consequences of climate change, is more state support needed?

Mustard: Gardeners are used to working without direct subsidies, which in itself is a good basis. When it comes to risk prevention against natural hazards, however, German gardeners have a competitive disadvantage, as many EU countries subsidize this prevention. In Germany, there is a patchwork quilt here. Some states offer support. In part, there are subsidies for viticulture and fruit growing. However, coordinated action by the federal states on this matter is not foreseeable. The administrative effort is high for us due to the many differences, as are the costs. However, we are in contact with and support the Central Horticultural Association and state associations. There are also direct talks with state governments. We are happy to share our experiences from abroad with them and therefore we work towards real support that goes directly to the companies.

Will it be more about securing one’s livelihood in the future and less about settling small and medium-sized claims?

Mustard: Insurance protection is always a business decision. Larger companies can often handle minor damage on their own, which is perfectly fine with us. We are happy to advise our members and respond to the individual situation. Our flexible products make a lot possible.

In view of climate change, what are the focal points of Gartenbau-Versicherung when it comes to sustainability?

Dr. Kohlruss: Sustainable management has a high priority for horticultural insurance. Our first sustainability report will be published in 2023. It should offer an inventory and at the same time show what can still be changed. Because we too want to set ourselves goals with it.

Are cyber risks in horticulture increasing in importance? How can the gardener protect himself and keep himself safe?

Mustard: The more technological the sector, the more vulnerable it becomes to cyber attacks. This applies to both manufacturing companies and trade. The operating software of the climate computer or marketing platform can fail, data can be stolen or the merchandise management system can be compromised. There is often a risk of consequential damages. Cyber ​​attacks can even endanger the existence of a company. Prevention and a good insurance solution are therefore important.

The green sector suffers from a shortage of skilled workers. Can you find enough junior staff for the insurance industry?

Dr. Kohlruss: The search for employees with gardening experience is becoming more difficult for us and takes longer. But there are still enough motivated and qualified people. A bigger problem is often the search for insurance and accounting specialists, IT experts and mathematicians. We have to open new horizons.

► The full interview with Christian Senft and Dr. Dietmar Kohlruss appeared in TASPO 45/2022.

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