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Safer Internet Day at Kopernikus Gymnasium

Workshops for fifth and sixth graders

What do YouTube, Snapchat and Co. know about me? Which pictures should I rather not
Post? How do I defend myself against cyberbullying? And how is my gaming behavior on the PC
or mobile phone? – The peer-to-peer media workshops at Kopernikus Gymnasium could
finally answer these and other questions again. On February 7th – the nationwide
Safer Internet Day – the four fifth graders took part in the workshop day. Due to the pandemic break, the sixth graders were then allowed to catch up on their Safer Internet Day on February 8th.

Media pilots worked out the program

The media pilots of the ninth grade, trained in the elective media studies course
had four forty-minute seminars on the topics “My internet self – data protection”,
“Switch off! – Games”, “Behaviour on the Internet – Cyberbullying” and “On the air” – What do I have to consider when shooting and publishing the video?”. In it, the younger students learned, among other things, how to be careful with their data and photos, how to check the security settings of their messenger apps, and that cyberbullying must be addressed and reported openly. Gaming was also an important topic, especially in terms of what and how long you play. The fifth and sixth graders learned what age restrictions for games are all about and which tricks and rules help to better regulate screen time in the afternoon.

The final event in the pit showed that the younger classes not only had fun at Safer Internet Day, but were also able to take a lot of new information home with them. In order to ensure the sustainability of the new media knowledge, the contents of the workshops will be taken up again and discussed with the teachers in the next class teacher lessons.

The peer-to-peer media workshops on how to behave properly on the internet for the fifth graders
Classes have been a fixture at Kopernikus Gymnasium since 2017. The KGB now has three iPad trolleys and media-supported lessons are part of everyday life at all grade levels. Mobile phones, iPads and PCs are not part of the young people’s free time either
more to imagine. It is therefore all the more important to provide information at an early stage about the correct and conscious use of media of all kinds. The Safer Internet Day at the Kopernikus Gymnasium makes an important contribution to this right from the orientation level.

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