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Saeed Sarhan Opens Up About Playing a Gay Role and the Kiss Scene, and His Views on Polygamy

Thursday, November 2, 2023 11:41 am

Mirna Walid – Beirut – There is no doubt that the Lebanese actor Saeed Sarhan possesses all the acting capabilities that always put him in the front rows, as he was able to prove himself strongly on the acting scene, and we mention among his works: “Prestige, The Stranger, Finally, and Paranoia.”

Gulf 365 website visited the actor Saeed Sarhan at his home, and we conducted an interesting interview with him, in which we first talked about the events in Gaza. We also talked about the series “Al-Gharib” and his dealings with the Syrian actor Bassam Koussa and the actress Farah Bseiso. We asked him if he had been offered bomb offers, and about His position if he was offered a gay role, the possibility of him performing a kissing scene, and whether he would consult his wife about it. We also talked about his reaction if his son told him that he was gay, and we concluded with the issue of polygamy, and if he supports this idea.

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