Sadistic murder Hiromi Terawa (15), a junior high school student in Yokkaichi, Mie, Japan, was a topic of conversation in 2013. This is because the perpetrator of the murder innocently covered his tracks via Twitter by pretending he knew nothing.
Reported by JapanToday, Sunday (29/1/2023), the murder of Hiromi Terawa this was revealed when his body was found on 29 August 2013 in a vacant lot. It was known that the girl was still alive four days before or the night of August 25, 2013.
Hiromi Terawa at that time came home from watching the fireworks festival with his friend. Police said Hiromi Terawa walked with her friend to the supermarket and then continued on alone.
A witness at the time said he saw Hiromi Terawa walking along a road about 400 meters from the vacant lot where his body was found. Hiromi Terawa’s last contact with his friend was at 22.55 local time. At that time he sent an email to his friend through his cell phone.
At 23.17 local time, Hiromi Terawa’s sister tried to call the young woman’s cell phone. However, there was no response from Hiromi Terawa until his body was found four days later.
Hiromi Terawa’s body was found naked by a patrol officer. The cause of death was strangulation. Her clothes, bag and cell phone were found nearby.
About six months passed, the police finally caught Hiromi Terawa’s killer. The killer even managed to graduate from high school and live a normal life before finally being caught.
After the arrest, shocking facts were revealed. The 18-year-old boy tweeted as if he was shocked by the discovery of Hiromi Terawa’s body at that time.
“Wait… uh… really spooky… The body of a junior high school student was found at my place of residence in the city of Asahi… Looks like she’s a student at the Yokkaichi Girls Middle School… My hands can’t stop shaking,” the perpetrator tweeted at the time, on date dead body Hiromi Terawa found.
“The police came to my house ( ;∀;) Looks like they’re going around asking people who live near the scene (○_○)! !” he tweeted again.
“A Nippon Television reporter came to my house ( ー̀дー́ )” the boy tweeted the next day.