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Saddam’s body in front of Al-Maliki’s house • Al-Marsad newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Writer Mashari Al-Dhaidi spoke about former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s rise in popularity after his execution scene on Eid al-Adha during a ritual celebration, coinciding with the anniversary of his execution .

Malik’s house

Al-Zaidi said, in his article entitled “Saddam’s corpse in front of Al-Maliki’s house”, published in the Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper: “On December 30, that is, a few days ago, the anniversary of Saddam L he execution of Hussein took place in the same period of 2006 in Mashhad and will remain immortal in human memory, or at least in Arab memory.

ritual ceremony

He pointed out: “On Eid al-Adha, and in a ritualistic ceremony, the ‘avengers’ surrounded the man on the execution platform and sang against him as he was in his last moments of life, vengeful songs, to which the dead man only responded with sarcasm,” noting: “Saddam’s popularity increased dramatically after his execution scene.” him in May 2010, but al-Maliki downplayed this view at the time.

The strange thing is that the man’s popularity has increased among the younger generation, who have not witnessed his rule and have not tasted the horror of his crimes, and this only because of the anger of those who succeeded him in government of Iraq, by corrupt gangs and militias loyal to Iran, or perhaps for the stunning cinematic ending of his execution scene, similar to the execution of the Italian fascist Omar. the chosen one”.

Saddam’s body

He continued: “Even the judge who handed down his death sentence, an Iraqi Kurd, Raouf Rashid, was disturbed by the way the execution was carried out and after the execution, as Ghassan Charbel reminds us of the interview which he conducted in Erbil with Judge Rashid in May 2007”, noting: “Sharbel says Rashid did not want to go into details of what bothered him, including that some of those who witnessed the execution took the body of Saddam and threw him in front of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s house as if they wanted, with a kind of gloating, to see al-Maliki dead in their only meeting.

Maliki’s confession

And he added: “It is something that Al-Maliki admitted in the interview referred to some time ago, when Ghassan answered his question: Have you seen Saddam once? Al-Maliki said: Never, but I had to to do so after his execution and after the insistence of some of the brothers. I stood half a minute in front of his corpse and said to him: “What is the advantage of your execution? Will it bring back the martyrs and the country you destroyed?”


And he added: “Saddam is a man who dedicated himself to an ideological, idealistic and naive idea, but was sincere in serving it, even if this led to his death and the deaths of his comrades, and this is what It can be said that his steadfastness in the face of his opponents, during the trial and on the day of his execution, is a sort of innate mountain courage, born with him, we see it with some gangsters, even non-politicians, let’s say : Be that as it may, this behavior has aroused admiration among groups of people, even among his opponents.

The Age of Conflict

He continued: “Later, although Saddam Hussein committed the crime and farce of the century by invading Kuwait, which is the moment he created disaster episodes for Arab security, and despite his rule of Iraq with iron and fire, but his successors forced Iraqis, from Shiites first to Sunnis, to have mercy, Saddam era, ahead of the charades of the Jaafari, Maliki, Abadi and Mahdist eras… until the end of this series.

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