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Sacha Baron Cohen feared for his life | Entertainment

entertainment">“During the filming of my latest Boratmovie, I appeared as a right-wing singer at a firearms rally in Washington State. When the organizers finally stormed the stage, I rushed to a nearby escape vehicle, ”says Sacha Baron Cohen On Time Magazine.

entertainment">Sacha’s attempts to flee, however, were thwarted by an enraged mob who ‘started pounding the vehicle with their fists.’ “I was wearing a bulletproof vest under my coveralls, but that didn’t feel enough since some people were wearing semi-automatic weapons. When someone opened the door to drag me out, I used my whole body weight to pull the door shut until our car finally got away. ”

entertainment">Although his films are often considered vulgar, he is convinced that his comedy is more powerful than it initially seems. “Many of my jokes are uncomfortably adolescent. But when it works, satire can humiliate the powerful and expose the ills of society. Like Abbie Hoffman, who led the Chicago protests against the Vietnam War in 1968, said, “Holy cows make the most delicious hamburger.” By letting people reveal what they really believe, I have sometimes exposed the ignorance, bigotry and conspiratorial delusions that often lurk just below the surface of our modern life. ”

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