Report by Aulia Prasetya | Sabang
SERAMBINEWS.COM, SABANG – City government Sabang through the Municipal Office of Health and Family Planning Sabang spraying/fumigation Fogging) in Jurong M Nur Hasan Gampong Kuta Ateuh area and also in RSUD. This is a next step to prevent dengue fever in the city Sabang.
In addition to the fumigation that was carried out in the campings of the City Sabangvarious initiatives to raise awareness of the dangers of the DHF and its implementation clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS) was performed.
Dengue fever, transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, occurs due to the lack of implementation of a clean and healthy lifestyle in daily life, as well as the large number of stagnant water which is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
“We also appeal to the whole community Sabang always apply clean and healthy living behaviors as well as perform mosquito nest control (PSN) with 3M Plus in the surrounding environment, so as to prevent dengue fever,” said the City Kadinkes & KB SabangEdi Suharto, Tuesday (6/12/2022) afternoon.
He added, if a family member experiences symptoms of dengue fever such as a sudden high fever, body aches, headache, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, and the appearance of a red rash, they should be taken to the nearest health care center immediately. .