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Sabadell will meet with unions to address measures to “improve the working environment” in the entity


Banco Sabadell has summoned all the unions present in the entity to participate in a meeting in which the adoption of special measures “to improve the working environment” within the bank will be negotiated, although there has not yet been a date set for its celebration, as announced by nine unions grouped in a union action unit.

This trade union – made up of UGT, GBS Fine Staff, CIG, CGT, Intersindical, ELA, LAB, SIBS Sicam and Alta union – has stated that it has already presented the company with a catalog of measures to address the situation before the start of the process deal maker.

“We agree on the urgency to deal with this matter, which has worsened exponentially in recent months and requires rapid corrective action by the company in response to our demands, which have been thoroughly analyzed and we consider deserved and adequate. to the various existing work environments in the bank”, the statement states.

Specifically, the trade union has asked the bank to provide qualified administrative staff on vacation, to reduce commercial pressure or to establish the opening hours of the offices at 08:30.

In salary matters, he asks for a “salary according to inflation”, that the absorption and compensation clauses be eliminated. Likewise, it demands the negotiation with the legal representation of the workers on the teleworking agreement and that it continue, in this sense, with 100% voluntariness in the Centralized Office Attention (ACO), Servicing and ‘back-office’ departments. ‘, among others.

It also requests improvements to professional career plans, with “transparency” in the publication of internal offers, “elimination of vetoes and blockages in selection processes”, and recognition of the “effort” of the workforce due to the Covid-19 pandemic , including the payment of an extraordinary payment and a “prize” for the contribution of the staff to the “good results” of the bank, “present and future”.

Likewise, it calls for an “urgent” action plan against “client violence and harassment”, a modification of the incentive systems, an “effective control” over the actual extension of the working day, a “reeducation or change of function of toxic managers”, etc.

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