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Saakashvili said that the Ukrainian state does not exist – International panorama

KIEV, June 27. / TASS /. The head of the Ukrainian Executive Committee for Reform, Mikhail Saakashvili, said that the state in Ukraine has ceased to exist, since it was replaced by officials who pursue their own interests, rather than state ones.

“There is no state in Ukraine! There are officials in Ukraine who [действуют] in the name of a non-existent state. Because the state is that for all, it provides justice for all and protects all. Where does this exist in Ukraine? There are a lot of officials in Ukraine, each group of these officials has their own boss, “Saakashvili said on the air of the TV channel “Ukraine-24”.

He compared such officials with pets, who implanted a computer chip. “A man is born with a chip in his ear: I am a representative of that group, this group. A man walks, legs, hands, with two eyes, speaks normally, and a chip in his ear, they say, I represent this particular group. As if people are born with this. And where is the state? There is simply no state, “Saakashvili added.

The former president of Georgia noted that the economic situation in Ukraine is deteriorating and the bureaucracy with its actions only brings negative trends. “The situation is not good, and not only because of the coronavirus,” Saakashvili said. “The economic crisis will expand, deepen, jobs will be lost. And while I am dealing with a bureaucracy that thinks nothing bad is happening. Like, this is business “as always, everything will be seized from them, everything is ready for them, they are in no hurry.” Saakashvili admitted that he feels a personal hostility towards such officials. “Sometimes I want these bureaucrats to shake, beat,” he added.

Saakashvili led Georgia from January 2004 to November 2013 and left the country a few days before the expiration of his presidential term. Immediately after that, four criminal cases were instituted against him at home, two of which had already been decided. In 2015, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko invited Saakashvili to the country, granted him citizenship and appointed him governor of the Odessa region. In July 2017, Poroshenko, after the conflict between them, stripped Saakashvili of his citizenship. Zelensky in May 2019 returned Saakashvili Ukrainian citizenship, at the end of the same month he returned to Ukraine, on May 7, by the decree of the President of Ukraine, he was appointed head of the National Reform Council.

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