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S23 Ultra vs S24 Ultra: A Detailed Camera Comparison and Review

Last week, our family flew to the United States again to attend the Samsung S24 series launch event. We took many detailed and detailed measurements there. Last week, we released the S23 Ultra and S24 Ultra comparison video on Instagram. Have you watched it? Just after looking at the preview photos, many Otter friends left comments, “What should I do? I prefer the S23 Ultra.” Is the S24 Ultra good at taking pictures, or is it a big difference?

If you are waiting on the sidelines with the S23 series, or want to switch to a flagship phone but want to choose a good price and high CP value, and attach great importance to the performance of flat photography and mobile photography, this article provides more photography performance of the S23 Ultra and S24 Ultra. First In conclusion, if you are interested in taking direct-viewing photos, choose S23 Ultra, and if you are interested in telephoto shooting at night, choose S24 Ultra. Why? Read below (Extended reading: Samsung S24 series Taiwan price revealed! S23 is 3,000 yuan cheaper and really delicious, the official website’s special color and pre-order method are announced together)

S23U and S24U camera specifications

First, let’s have a brief understanding of the specifications of the two machines. The biggest difference is that the S23 Ultra has a 10-megapixel 10x optical zoom lens, which is changed to a 50-megapixel 5x optical zoom lens on the S24 Ultra. My own understanding is practicality, unless you often If you want to shoot a concert and then buy the seats, you will need a 10x optical zoom. Otherwise, 3x or 5x may be more in line with public demand, I guess.

From the perspective of portrait performance

A large part of Samsung users like it to take beautiful photos of people, the Samsung style of “a better version of themselves, but not cheating”, hahaha, you know, so let’s look directly at people, especially portraits after zooming

▼Double/normal mode (left S23 Ultra, right S24 Ultra)

▼Double/portrait mode (left S23 Ultra, right S24 Ultra)

▼Double/portrait mode (left S23 Ultra, right S24 Ultra)

▼Double/normal mode/night scene (left S23 Ultra, right S24 Ultra)

▼Double/portrait mode/night scene (left S23 Ultra, right S24 Ultra)

In summary for portraits, you should also clearly feel that the reason why everyone says the S23 Ultra is good-looking is that it has a layer of natural Samsung filter, white cheeks and good complexion. It does not lose on both sides in terms of sharpness. It can also be seen that the S24 Ultra has better control at night. The power of light is enhanced, with relatively less halo and more details. If you want to be more pleasing to the eye or want to be natural and real, how do you choose?Let’s look at the details again

How powerful is the zoom lens?

The same is when comparing S23U and S24U, looking at the day and night scenes, from one time, five times, ten times to one hundred times!

▼1x (Left S23 Ultra, Right S24 Ultra)

▼Five times (left S23 Ultra, right S24 Ultra)

▼10x (Left S23 Ultra, Right S24 Ultra)

▼One hundred times (left S23 Ultra, right S24 Ultra)

It can be seen that the S24 Ultra is indeed the latest flagship, and its grasp of details is still much better than the S23 Ultra. To be fair, the interpretation of the dayscape on both sides is very beautiful. The shots are really good, both sides are the same, but The two sides have different choices in terms of color tone. The S23 Ultra adopts the traditional Samsung style of blue, green, and white. The overall tone is flattering and beautiful. To my surprise, the S24 Ultra adopts a natural and realistic style, which is probably not good. Let’s deepen the filter. The only change this generation can make is the AI ​​​​switching style. The night scene mode also has similar performance. S24 Ultra has a higher degree of control over light.

▼Double/night scene mode (left S23 Ultra, right S24 Ultra)

▼1x (Left S23 Ultra, Right S24 Ultra)

▼Five times (left S23 Ultra, right S24 Ultra)

▼10x (Left S23 Ultra, Right S24 Ultra)

▼One hundred times (left S23 Ultra, right S24 Ultra)

Have you made a decision after seeing this? Do you want better natural filter beauty or night scene realistic style? As the old saying goes, it depends on what you usually shoot. If you ask me, I will most likely choose S23 Ultra. If work requires me to take beautiful photos~ Let’s add some more and let’s take a look Food, strengthen your will (S23 Ultra on the left, S24 Ultra on the right)

Have you ever felt that…the S23 Ultra Samsung filter on the left not only makes people look beautiful, but also makes the food more delicious, making it shiny and smooth. Of course, if you are more diligent, the S24 Ultra on the right can change even more if you manually apply the filter yourself. many! I’m really curious as a Samsung user or someone who wants to switch to a flagship phone, what would you choose? I already feel that the photos taken by each flagship camera are very good. I want to see more comparisons or the recording performance of S23 Ultra and S24 Ultra. Our company has already tested it!Remember to subscribe to the Electric Otter Girl YouTube channel to receive the first-hand notification of the release of the film.

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2024-01-22 10:25:56
#big #difference #photography #S23 #Ultra #S24 #Ultra #Lets #watch #reallife #comparison #Samsung #dualcamera #zoom #Electric #Otter #Girl #girls #daily #technology #life #Apps #cool #technology #products #life #food

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