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Rzeczpospolita: Anti-inflationary shield 2.0 does not contain solutions for companies

The government does not offer an anti-inflationary shield for companies, everyone will suffer, the most will be gastronomy – says Rzeczpospolita.

“Rzeczpospolita” reports that “according to the latest PGNiG price lists for gas business has to pay PLN 798 (per MWh), i.e. 480 percent. more than a year ago“.” Electricity is getting more expensive, about 100-200 percent, but companies still have to deal with a real price shock “- indicated.

And this is not the end of the rising costs of their operations – emphasizes Łukasz Bernatowicz, vice president of the Business Center Club. In addition, we must add the growing tax and contribution burdens that are imposed on the business of the Polish Order, high prices of materials and raw materials, pressure on wage increases, which means greater expenditure on wages, etc. It will be a difficult year for entrepreneurs – evaluates Bernatowicz.

The newspaper writes that “government bills under the 2.0 anti-inflation shield, which were submitted to the Sejm on Wednesday, do not contain any protective solutions for business“.

Companies have no choice but to factor in the rising costs of energy carriers in the prices of their products and services – said Wojciech Warski, vice-president of Employers of the Republic of Poland.

As it is written, “it means that the price tag which Poles already feel does not have to fade away“.” Even a reduction to zero (from 5 percent) VAT rates on food in stores may be less felt than you might expect “- emphasized in the article.

The prices of some of the products on the shelves may rise at a slower pace. Taking into account the cost of production as well as raw materials and materials Consumers should not, however, count on a reduction in selected food prices – says Marek Moczulski, president of Unitop, a confectionery producer.

Rzeczpospolita writes that the increases in energy and gas prices hit everyone but gastronomy may be one of the first victims, which still hasn’t recovered after months of the lockdown. Food, hotel and tourism industries are hardest hit by the pandemic and politicians are unable to offer any viable solution – said Jacek Czauderna, president of the Polish Gastronomy Chamber of Commerce.

“Experts indicate that these sectors, such as bakeries, are also the most vulnerable to a wave of bankruptcies due to energy price shocks. For many, the business will cease to be profitable“- we read in Rzeczpospolita.

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