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Ryanair pilots accept lower wages

Ryanair pilots agreed to a 20% pay cut to avoid a far-reaching social plan.

This Wednesday, the management had put in the balance 3,000 layoffs, which would affect pilots and flight personnel, if no agreement was found.

In May, the company had already announced 250 redundancies in administrative jobs in Europe.

After having seen its planes nailed to the ground at the height of the health crisis, the low-cost company resumed its activity, but gradually.

“Today we’re going to operate just under 1,000 flights,” said Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary, “with a 70% occupancy rate, and carrying around 104,000 passengers. It is essential for the restart of the British tourism industry, during the pivotal months of July and August, of being able to bring visitors to the United Kingdom from European countries where the Covid-19 infection rate is much lower than here “.

Michael O’Leary has made no secret of his hostility to the quarantine measures imposed by the British government in an attempt to stop the pandemic.

“These policies are ill-conceived and improperly applied,” he believes, “and have no effect on the Covid-19. They cause immeasurable damage to British tourism, British jobs and the British economy in general. , and we need to get this stupid quarantine lifted. “

Ryanair has taken legal action, along with two other competing companies, to seek an end to the quarantine imposed on European travelers. A hearing is scheduled for Friday.

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