Jemma Wood, a 31-year-old Ryanair customer, recently experienced a jaw-dropping 17-hour delay on her 40-minute flight to Dublin. She arrived at Newcastle International Airport with her husband and friend on April 22 and received a text from Ryanair rescheduling their 6:05 AM flight to 11 AM. However, further delays ensued with Jemma claiming that they received additional texts informing them of further delays. After a grueling wait that ended at 12:30 AM the following day, the trio used their short time in Dublin to catch up on sleep in their £300 hotel before heading straight back home. Ryanair compensated Jemma with just £9 worth of vouchers, incensing her. The experience cost her time off work, kennel fees for her dog, and ruined her weekend. Social media users offered advice on options available to her, including filing a claim under EU261 regulations.