Home » today » Entertainment » Ryan Reynolds names Stray Kids’ Bang Chan his “new favorite Aussie” and has a special gift and request for him –

Ryan Reynolds names Stray Kids’ Bang Chan his “new favorite Aussie” and has a special gift and request for him –

Hollywood superstar Ryan Reynolds personally responded recently to the performance of Stray Kids on Kingdom , making fans nervous. Not only were there more locals searching for the talented group due to the scream Reynolds gave the band, but a special surprise also came in the form of a tweet.

Reynolds personally signed an autograph for Bang Chan , after discovering that Bang Chan was a huge fan of hers. However, he also sweetly asked for Stray Kids’ autograph in return! Not only that, but he also named Bang Chan as his » New Favorite Australian «. What a great honor!

Now, Stray Kids’ Bang Chan has been a fan of the hero for a long time. Bang Chan even stated how happy he was that Reynolds, his role model, noticed him.

Maybe, we could see the two of them on screen together very soon? We’d love to see a little duo of Deadpool ! Congratulations to Bang Chan and Ryan Reynolds for being successful fans.

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