Although the relationship of Ruud and Olcay got off to a turbulent start, the two are now definitely crazy about each other. After a short on-again, off-again relationship, they have completely chosen each other. “I have been able to think for a long time about who I would like to share my life with and what that should look like”, says Ruud. According to the DJ and artist you can have several loves of your life, ‘but one is bigger than the other’.
“Now that I’m older, it feels more complete, you find other things more exciting or more beautiful than before. This fits so well now, because Olcay is also my best friend”, he continues. Ruud currently prefers love over lust in his life. “That has been different. I have been pretty dull in love for a while.”
Still, he will prefer sex to his phone: “But that is certainly not everything. Sex is a bit about, it is overrated, I find affection much more important. (…) I really like cuddling and touching. “
You can read the entire interview with Ruud in the latest from tomorrow Beautiful world.
The relationship between Olcay and Ruud is starting to take on serious forms, as is clear from the video below.