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Rutte and Kaag say they have not spoken about Omtzigt | during formation NOW

VVD leader Mark Rutte and D66 party leader Sigrid Kaag did not speak about CDA MP Pieter Omtzigt during the formation discussions, the prime minister emphasizes on Thursday evening. RTL News. On photographed notes of the now retired scout Kajsa Ollongren (D66) was earlier on the day it read: “Position Omtzigt, function elsewhere“.

Earlier in the evening, Rutte spoke with Kaag by phone. She announced through the outgoing prime minister that she had not spoken about the critical CDA MP.

The leaked notes prompted scouts Ollongren and Annemarie Jorritsma (VVD) to resign. Ministers Tamara van Ark (Medical Care) and Wouter Koolmees (Social Affairs) are on Thursday designated as substitutes.

The leaked notes cause unrest within the CDA. Omtzigt has been at home exhausted for a few weeks now, after years of digging into the benefits affair file. In the end, such a critical investigation report followed that the cabinet resigned in January.

Since then, the relationship between Omtzigt, who is known as a hardworking and tenacious MP, and the CDA party leadership seems to have cooled off. In the past week, various reports appear in the media that are intended to damage the MP.

CDA leader Wopke Hoekstra made an attempt to cool down the unrest earlier this week. For example, he wrote on Twitter: “Enormous appreciation for Pieter, for all his hard work and dedication. Get well soon and keep going”.

Kajsa Ollongren’s notes can just be read in this photo. Photo: ANP

Kajsa Ollongren's notes can just be read in this photo.  Photo: ANP

Kajsa Ollongren’s notes can just be read in this photo. Photo: ANP

Photo: ANP

Hoekstra also did not speak about Omtzigt

The CDA member was surprised on the leaked notes on Thursday. “Bizarre, this glimpse into the notes of scout Ollongren. Subjects none of which have been discussed with me and which she is not about,” says Hoekstra. Ollongren’s notes also write about the CDA leader’s negotiating style.

It is still unclear who made the statements about Omtzigt. It may also be that the scouts or officials wrote down the comment themselves. Ollongren and Jorritsma emphasized on Thursday that the notes were only intended as “preliminary input for the next round in the exploration phase”.

Whether the answer to that question will come seems unlikely. Rutte told the Thursday evening U.S that Ollongren does not have to be accountable as far as he is concerned. “She has now stopped as a scout. The assignment is now with the new scouts, no one is going to explain this.”

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