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Rutte and De Jonge mainly point to others, take measures to protect unvaccinated people

At tonight’s press conference, outgoing Prime Minister Rutte and failure minister De Jonge explained the reintroduction of their corona measures. The main reason they gave for this is simply ridiculous: “We are now intervening because the Delta variant of the virus is spreading very quickly. If we let it increase at this rate, it will soon affect people who have no resistance yet. If we do nothing, the demand for care will rise again,” says De Jonge.

Both cabinet members admitted that they (and therefore also RIVM) grossly underestimated the advance of the Delta variant. The contagiousness of that variant, together with the failing policy to open everything at once (against the advice), was stupid enough.

By also making it possible to get an entry ticket immediately after vaccination, plus the fact that Testing for Access was flawed, this rubbing turned out to be an already huge stain. However, the two gentlemen prefer to blame this on the alleged inability of young people to continue to adhere to the basic rules.

Anyway, it’s mainly young people who got infected and we don’t see it in hospital admissions, so what’s the problem? ‘There are still unvaccinated people and we try to protect them in this way’, was the reason for this decision. The risk groups in particular have had every chance to be vaccinated and by not seizing that opportunity, they have accepted the risks. In addition, it is really ridiculous to pretend that it is still up to the government to introduce measures to protect that group.

According to De Jonge, there is now “a real risk that people will end up in hospital again” in the large cities. This implicitly says that the rest of the country must suffer from the measures intended for the people of those regions.

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The argument makes no sense. This should mean that there are so many unvaccinated people in the risk groups (from the big cities) that it was too dangerous two weeks ago to open things up again. Or it means that the vaccines do not protect against the Delta variant as well as initially thought, so that the decision of two weeks ago was also reckless. The outgoing cabinet should do a little more self-reflection and place less blame on young people and unvaccinated people.

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