Home » today » Business » Rutte about national asylum crisis: ‘This is to be ashamed, soon people will be lying on the lawn’ | Politics

Rutte about national asylum crisis: ‘This is to be ashamed, soon people will be lying on the lawn’ | Politics

updateThe cabinet has declared the faltering asylum reception center a national crisis. According to Prime Minister Mark Rutte, this means that from now on the government will consult almost daily with municipalities and provinces about a solution. “You can switch very quickly that way,” said the prime minister.

After the cabinet meeting, Rutte said that the current situation in the Ter Apel application center is ‘to be ashamed’, now that people have had to sleep on chairs several times: “Soon people will be lying on the lawn.” To prevent this, more ‘power to persevere’ is needed, he says. “It is important that we say together: we will not let this happen.”

It is not yet clear what exactly is happening. The COA employees can no longer handle it, says State Secretary Erik van der Burg (Asylum). The situation in Ter Apel has not gotten out of hand until now, only thanks to the help of the Red Cross and Refugee Work.

According to Van der Burg, the cabinet will make decisions on Monday. “Then we will come up with a plan for the next three months.” This should prevent asylum seekers from being driven ‘from here to there’ by bus. “And that we have to call municipalities off with the question: do you still have room?” In any case, there are “no taboos” in the search for a solution, according to him.

It has been agreed that Ter Apel will be ‘structurally relieved’ for the next two weeks. This means that the flow from the asylum seekers’ centers must be promoted, so that Ter Apel has air to receive new refugees. Rutte: “There are now thousands of people in asylum seekers’ centers who could have been working a long time ago.”

View Van der Burg’s reaction to the asylum crisis here:

horse remedy

What will in any case not happen is that the cabinet will legally force municipalities to accommodate refugees with asylum status. This horse remedy remains out of action, at the insistence of the municipalities.

According to Rutte, coercion is not necessary. “I don’t think anyone wants that.” In a first crisis meeting with municipalities and provinces, he said he felt the ‘spirit’ to solve the problem together.

The structure for national crisis decision-making has now been activated, which is managed by the National Coordinator for Terrorism and Security (NCTV). Such a crisis structure was previously established with the downing of MH17, the Utrecht tram shooter and the corona crisis.

Eric van der Burg, State Secretary for Asylum and Migration, on arrival at the Binnenhof for the weekly Council of Ministers. © ANP


The cabinet has already come up with plans to relieve the pressure on the asylum chain. For example, a second registration center must be set up to relieve Ter Apel. The cabinet is also working on a law to oblige municipalities to receive asylum seekers. In addition, more shelter places will become available, including on ships.

A crisis approach was also introduced earlier this year specifically for the reception of Ukrainian refugees. A crisis structure was also set up for corona in which, among other things, consultations took place more often between different departments.

The cabinet informs the House of Representatives that it will be ‘further informed as soon as possible’. In addition, Van der Burg and Bruins Slot will explain the steps that are being taken this afternoon. Bruins Slot replaces Minister Hugo de Jonge (Public Housing), who only returns later from a business trip to the BES islands (Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius).

Red Cross: Tents only leave if it is ‘responsible’

The tents that the Red Cross has placed at the registration center in Ter Apel will only be dismantled ‘as soon as this is justified’. This is reported by director Marieke van Schaik. Earlier, the organization said that the tents would remain there for a few days. “We will continue to closely monitor and support the situation in Ter Apel, where necessary with transport, water, food and tents,” said Van Schaik.

The aid organization sounded the alarm on Thursday because of the ‘inhuman and untenable’ situation at the application center. Asylum seekers in the tents were not offered any food or drink from 10pm on Wednesday to 1pm on Thursday, there were riots and there was stealing from the tents. From Thursday to Friday, several hundred people slept in tents and on chairs in Ter Apel.

“It is good that this crisis is being taken seriously by the cabinet and that a more humane solution is approaching,” said Van Schaik. She says that the Red Cross certainly wants to be part of the solution to the asylum problem and wants to help support people in need.

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