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Rutte about cheering football fans: ‘They just have to shut up’ | NOW

Prime Minister Mark Rutte was quite annoyed by the football fans who sang songs in the Eredivisie last weekend, cheered extensively and kept no distance between themselves in the stadiums. The prime minister cannot understand that supporters are not abiding by the corona rules.

“You just shouldn’t do this. It’s very stupid, because we can’t get the virus under control that way,” said Rutte on Monday. RTL News. “Just shut up when you sit there, watch that game and don’t shout. You can do that.”

According to the corona protocol of the KNVB, supporters are not allowed to sing songs in the stadium or to cheer extensively. The football association hopes to prevent the spread of the corona virus.

Yet many supporters do not adhere to the much-discussed rules. For example, on Sunday there was a lot to do on social media for the fans of Feyenoord, who were clearly audible in the home match against FC Twente (1-1) in De Kuip. In addition, not all thirteen thousand spectators would have observed the one and a half meter rule.

Supporters of Feyenoord did not adhere to the corona rules in the home game against FC Twente on Sunday. (Photo: Pro Shots)

Feyenoord coach Advocaat thinks criticism is exaggerated

Feyenoord coach Dick Advocaat said after the game at the WE that he finds the criticism of the exuberant cheering and shouting exaggerated. “If that is no longer allowed, you should not go to football.”

Clubs themselves are responsible for enforcing the corona rules in stadiums. The mayor can intervene in case of excesses. In the coming weeks, Feyenoord will be investigating the risk of contamination in the open air, such as in a stadium.

A spokesperson for the KNVB says in conversation with NU.nl that the football association does not intend to change the corona protocol. “You saw last weekend that one club went better than the other. It was also only the second round, so I think a lot of supporters still have to get used to the rules.”

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