Home » today » World » Russia’s Possible Response to Lithuania’s Confiscation of Cars with Russian License Plates: Expert Analysis

Russia’s Possible Response to Lithuania’s Confiscation of Cars with Russian License Plates: Expert Analysis

What could be Russia’s response to the confiscation of cars with Russian license plates promised by Lithuania from March 11? About it told Pravda. Ru political scientist Aleksandr Nosovych.

“There is practically no Lithuanian property left on Russian territory. Confiscate those territories that belong to the Lithuanian diplomatic missions on the territory of our country? Russia can afford it. The most severe economic option is to disconnect Lithuania from the BRELL energy grid. But I don’t think that this is a proportionate measure for the confiscation of cars of Russian citizens,” the expert believes.

At the same time, Alexander Nosovich is not sure that the decision to confiscate cars with Russian license plates will not affect transit cars traveling to Kaliningrad.

“It is better for car owners not to travel through Lithuania. Most people now travel through Lithuania by rail. In general, it is safest to fly to Kaliningrad. Because you can expect a wide variety of surprises from Lithuania. Theoretically, according to the agreements on transit to the territory of the Kaliningrad region, they should make an exception for transit vehicles. But will they? We can only find out March 11 at random. I don’t advise anyone to test this on themselves,” the political scientist advised.

As reported EADaily , Lithuanian customs announced that from March 11 it will begin confiscating cars with Russian license plates. Before this date, such vehicles must be registered in Lithuania, otherwise their owners face a fine or confiscation of the car. An exception will be transit to and from the Kaliningrad region – a car with Russian license plates is allowed to stay in the country for no more than 24 hours and with the mandatory presence of its owner. If the owner is absent, the car will not be allowed into Lithuania.

2024-03-07 13:03:00
#Russia #punish #Lithuania #Russophobia #expert #EADaily

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