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Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: – Sees no solution

As long as Vladimir Putin is in the Kremlin, Ukraine and Russia will come never to find a diplomatic solution to the war that is acceptable to both countries.

That is the opinion of the American professor Alexander Motyl, one of the USA’s leading Russia and Ukraine experts.

In an interview with Dagbladet, Motyl says that the only way to force Putin to stop the war on Ukrainian soil is by a scorching defeat. For either Russia or Ukraine.

GETS PROTECTED: The video will show the Foreign Legion in Ukraine in fierce fighting near the city of Severodonetsk, in eastern Ukraine. Video: Telegram, AP. Reporter: Håvard TL Knutsen.
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– Victory means destruction

A victory for Putin’s Russia looks very different from a Ukrainian victory. The fundamental contradiction is the reason why there is no room for compromise, says the professor, who teaches and researches at Rutger University.

A Ukrainian victory is synonymous with driving Russian forces either out of Ukraine, or back to the areas of the Donbas that were occupied before February 24, Motyl said.

– A Russian victory means the destruction of the whole of Ukraine and its people. The Russians are already doing so in eastern Ukraine, and they will have to continue to crush cities and the civilian population. Anything other than that is, objectively speaking, a defeat for Russia, because it will involve a long guerrilla war that will ultimately sink Russia, he tells Dagbladet.

However, Motyl does not disregard Putin’s censorship and propaganda apparatus able to spin a defeat into a victory.

– The problem with that is that even if most Russians would have bought that story, most of the elite would have known that Putin had created a disaster, the professor says.

MATCHES: Drone video shows Ukrainian soldier’s fight against a group of Russian soldiers in the Luhansk region in the initial phase of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Video: 4ZLPR / Telegram
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“Russian advantage”

The US Russia and Ukraine expert is convinced that Ukraine can manage to drive Russian forces out of even the Donbas, where Russian hybrid forces have been at war with Ukrainian government forces for eight years – since 2014.

– Ukraine has better soldiers. The only Russian advantage is the number of weapons, says Motyl.

And that benefit will be equalized over time, the professor believes.

When Ukraine will get the weapons they need, they will be able to drive the Russians backwards, he says.

Motyl also believes it is important to remember that the Russians’ arsenal is shrinking as Ukraine’s arsenal continues to grow.

– The Russians run out of missiles and modern tanks. They also have great difficulty replenishing their strengths. Morale is also low, and most Russians are opposed to mass mobilization, says the professor.

Therefore, he draws the following conclusion:

– Putin is in trouble.

BOMBED NORWEGIAN ARTILLER TRUCK: The Russian military claims they have bombed and destroyed a Norwegian artillery vehicle in Ukraine. Video: AP / TV Zvezda. Reporter: Vegard Krüger
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– No solution with Putin

A Russian defeat can also take various forms, Motyl believes. For Russia, it will be a defeat if the Ukrainians simply drive them out of Ukraine.

– But the loss will be enormous if Putin is forced to step down and a power struggle with mass demonstrations takes place and there is a change of regime.

How likely it is is difficult to estimate, but Motyl has previously explained why he thinks it is not impossible in a chronicle in it online defense and security magazine 19fortyfive.

– Do you manage to envision a possible solution to the conflict that both Russia and Ukraine find acceptable?

– No, I see no solution with Putin. If he disappears, both sides could have been able to find a Russian withdrawal to the borders before February 24 and possibly start negotiations on the Donbas and the Crimean peninsula, Motyl answers.

– One of the pages must win, he adds.

MINE FIELD: Many areas of Ukraine have been mined – this is what this Russian tank and its crew will experience. Video: Reddit. Reporter: Magnus Paus / Dagbladet TV
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No guarantees

Should Ukraine force the Russians back to its own territory and a ceasefire or peace agreement be signed, it will not in itself resolve the conflict.

There are no guarantees in the world that can force Russia to keep its word, Motyl believes.

“Therefore, the only thing that can prevent a new Russian invasion is a Ukrainian NATO membership, which is more likely now than before the war, or to provide Ukraine with enough military capacity to be able to defend itself against any Russian threat,” the professor said.

DISTURBES THE SIGNAL: Drones have proven to be an important tool in the war in Ukraine. A video that spreads on social media will show a soldier demonstrating an effective weapon against the eyes in the air. Video: Reddit, AP, Reuters. Reporter: Håvard TL Knutsen.
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And should Ukraine, through significant Western arms support, gain a clear advantage on the Ukrainian battlefield, Western authorities should have already asked themselves the question:

“Can Russia attack the West?”

Butterfly tar in a chronicle in 19fortyfive argues that although highly unlikely, Western governments should ask themselves the question he himself characterizes as “alarmist.”

– The lesson to be learned from asking such questions is that Russia is unpredictable. Therefore, we must also be prepared for a number of possible scenarios, from the good to the bad, says the professor.

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