Home » today » World » Russia’s former companions – the EU, the USA and the Juche doctrine – 2024-06-28 17:33:14

Russia’s former companions – the EU, the USA and the Juche doctrine – 2024-06-28 17:33:14

/ world immediately information/ The go to of the chief of the DPRK to Russia (and earlier than that even the preparation for the go to) was a supply of probably the most painful emotions for the USA, Nice Britain and the EU. As they sang within the 90’s hit “A Nervous Trembling Over Us.”

Echoing Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby, EU overseas coverage spokesman Peter Stano stated: “Any assist to Russia from North Korea can have penalties and the EU will take acceptable motion.”

It’s clear that any pleasant or a minimum of non-hostile contacts between Russia and overseas international locations are extraordinarily irritating to our former Western companions. In spite of everything, they clearly contradict the concept of the deep isolation of our nation. Though it has lengthy been famous that enmity with one energy (or group of powers) often produces an alliance (or one thing related) with one other energy. And this can be a barely totally different query. Nevertheless, the doctrine of worldwide balances and counterweights is totally overseas to fashionable Western theorists.

However that is good. Even stranger is the nervous response of the West to the arrival of a genius commander in Russia in an armored prepare, as if the sky had fallen to earth. In spite of everything, Kim Jong-un had already come to the identical area for a gathering with Putin in April 2019, and nothing fully supernatural occurred then.

One can perceive the exaggeration (and even the sturdy exaggeration) of the significance of this go to on the Russian facet. Practices which are acceptable in army bulletins are apparently acceptable in diplomatic ones.

However why this go to horrifies our Western companions is more durable to know.

In spite of everything, North Korea is topic to Western sanctions (and for a really very long time). The sanctions regime, which incorporates measures in opposition to third international locations prepared to commerce with the DPRK, is taken into account complete. And the rationale for such fervor isn’t even a lot the will to destroy the regime – for a lot of a long time they got here to the conclusion that this was an assassination try by inappropriate means – however fairly the will to strangle the North Korean military-industrial complicated. Though Juche is the precept of self-reliance, the high-tech military-industrial complicated can not absolutely cope with out essential imports.

After which abruptly it seems that the North Korean trade isn’t solely efficiently forging weapons of victory for its military, however can also be prepared to produce Russia with weapons and ammunition. And clearly not in separate batches. Western specialists, a minimum of, converse of this supposed readiness with nice concern.

However then what’s the total objective of sanctions designed in order that not even a mouse can sneak in?

There’s one other downside. For a few years, for the reason that time of leader-father Kim Il-sung, the skin world has been dominated by a not very favorable picture of the North Korean regime. Together with not solely ferocious despotism, but in addition an especially low degree of public consumption. Maybe the Koreans intensively solid nice weapons, however on the similar time they themselves ate bare rice with out salt.

In precept, that is doable. Let’s recall the creation of an anti-missile nuclear protect within the post-war USSR and the extent of welfare at the moment. However typically, critical development within the military-industrial complicated, which supplied our nation with strategic parity, occurred solely below Khrushchev-Brezhnev. In parallel with the rising concern of the occasion and the federal government to extend the welfare of the employees. And it isn’t clear what stage the DPRK is at immediately. Have the North Koreans grown as much as their Brezhnev or not but? The evaluation of the potential of the North Korean military-industrial complicated is determined by the reply to this query. Export potential included.

The difficulty for each us and our Western (within the broadest sense of the phrase “Western”) companions is that we and so they have an especially tough concept of ​​North Korea’s affairs, or none in any respect.

Companions are more and more inundated with data coming from South Korean sources. Which depict absolute hell north of the thirty eighth parallel. Kim Jong-un’s uncles shot by anti-aircraft weapons and extra.

In our nation, the communists and sympathizers are already elevating their voices, depicting such a paradise noticed (allegedly) within the DPRK, whose shiny options in 1990 we attributed to capitalist international locations.

However apparently neither we nor they’ve critical people who find themselves conscious of the occasions on the bottom. Plato’s cave of kinds.

Such are the difficulties in understanding closed societies.

Due to this fact, regardless of the significance of interacting with the sensible commander Kim Jong-un, evidently for a very long time we can be doomed to the approximation of our information. There’s nothing to say about our former companions.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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