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Russia’s Blown-Up Kahovka HPP and the Devastating Floods Unleashed in Ukraine

Title: Russia’s Blown-Up Kahovka HPP Causes Catastrophic Floods in Ukraine

Subtitle: 24 settlements in Kherson and Mykolaiv regions still flooded after the explosion

Date: June 21, 2023

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In a devastating incident, the Kahovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) in Ukraine was blown up, resulting in catastrophic floods that have affected numerous settlements in the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions. The explosion, believed to be caused by Russian troops, has caused significant damage and displacement of residents. This article provides an overview of the current situation and the impact of the incident.

Flooded Settlements:
According to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, 24 settlements in the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions are still flooded as a result of the Kahovka HPP explosion. In the Kherson region, three settlements on the right bank of the Dnieper, comprising 595 houses, remain flooded. Additionally, 17 settlements in the temporarily occupied territories are also affected. In the Mykolaiv region, four settlements in the Bashtansk region have experienced partial flooding, affecting eight gardens.

Water Level and Critical Intake:
The water level of the Dnieper River at the “Khersona” checkpoint currently exceeds the norm by 0.25 meters. The Ukrainian state hydropower company, “Ukrhidroenerho,” has reported that the water level in the Kahovka reservoir is below the critical level required for water supply to the Zaporizhia district of the Zaporizhia region, the Nikopol and Kriviyrich districts of the Dnipropetrovsk region, as well as the Berislav and Kahovka districts of the Kherson region.

Cause of the Incident:
It has been confirmed that on June 6, Russian troops blew up the dam of the Kahovka hydroelectric power station, leading to the flooding of parts of the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions. The motive behind the explosion is still under investigation, but it is believed to be a deliberate act of aggression.

Impact and Response:
The destruction of the Kahovka HPP and subsequent floods have had a severe impact on the affected regions. Thousands of residents have been displaced, and infrastructure, including houses, roads, and agricultural lands, has been damaged or destroyed. The Ukrainian government, along with international aid organizations, is working tirelessly to provide relief and support to the affected communities. Evacuation efforts, emergency shelters, and the distribution of essential supplies are underway to assist those affected by the disaster.

The explosion of the Kahovka HPP in Ukraine, allegedly caused by Russian troops, has resulted in catastrophic floods in the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions. The incident has caused significant damage and displacement of residents, with numerous settlements still flooded. The Ukrainian government and international aid organizations are actively involved in providing assistance to the affected communities. Efforts to restore normalcy and rebuild the damaged infrastructure are underway, but the road to recovery will be long and challenging for the affected regions.Russia’s blown-up Kahovka HPP and the resulting floods have caused significant damage and displacement in Ukraine. According to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, 24 settlements in the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions are still flooded as a result of the explosion.

The latest update from the service reveals that three settlements with 595 houses on the right bank of the Dnieper in Kherson region are still underwater. Additionally, 17 settlements in the temporarily occupied territories are also flooded. In Mykolaiv region, four settlements in Bashtansk region have experienced partial flooding, affecting eight gardens.

The water level of the Dnieper at the checkpoint “Khersona” is currently 0.25 meters above the norm. This abnormal water level poses a threat to the supply of several districts, including Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, and Kherson.

The Ukrainian state hydropower company “Ukrhidroenerho” has reported that the water level in the Kahovka reservoir is below the critical level required for water intake. This shortage of water supply affects the Zaporizhia district of the Zaporizhia region, the Nikopol and Kriviyrich districts of the Dnipropetrovsk region, as well as the Berislav and Kahovka districts of the Kherson region.

The explosion of the Kahovka HPP dam occurred on June 6, allegedly carried out by Russian troops. This deliberate act has resulted in widespread flooding and devastation in parts of Kherson and Mykolaiv regions.

The impact of the explosion can be seen in satellite images of the Kakhovka reservoir, which show the extent of the flooding caused by the damaged dam.

The Ukrainian government and emergency services are working to provide assistance and support to the affected communities. Efforts are being made to mitigate the damage and restore normalcy in the flooded areas.

The situation remains critical, and further updates on the recovery and relief efforts are expected in the coming days.

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Ant devastation in Ukraine. Thousands of residents have been displaced, infrastructure has been damaged, and agricultural lands have been destroyed. The motive behind the explosion is still under investigation, but it is believed to be an intentional act of aggression by Russian troops.

Efforts to provide relief and support to the affected communities are ongoing. Evacuation efforts, emergency shelters, and the distribution of essential supplies are underway. The Ukrainian government is working in collaboration with international aid organizations to address the immediate needs of the affected populations.

The impact of the incident extends beyond the flooded settlements. The water level in the Kahovka reservoir is below the critical level required for water supply to several regions, including Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, and Kherson. This has led to further challenges in ensuring the water supply to these areas.

Rebuilding and restoring the damaged infrastructure will be a long and challenging process. The Ukrainian government is committed to rebuilding the affected regions and ensuring the safety and well-being of the displaced residents. However, the road to recovery will require significant resources and time.

The international community, including NATO, has condemned the destruction of the Kahovka HPP and offered support to Ukraine. The incident highlights the ongoing tensions between Russia and Ukraine and the urgent need for a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.

In conclusion, the blown-up Kahovka HPP in Ukraine has caused catastrophic floods in the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions. The incident has resulted in significant damage, displacement of residents, and disruptions to water supply. Relief efforts are underway, but the road to recovery will be long and challenging.

2 thoughts on “Russia’s Blown-Up Kahovka HPP and the Devastating Floods Unleashed in Ukraine”

  1. This tragic incident at Russia’s Kahovka HPP and the subsequent devastating floods in Ukraine are a stark reminder of the urgent need for international cooperation to address natural disasters. Our thoughts and support go out to the affected communities as they work towards recovery and resilience.

  2. It’s heartbreaking to see the consequences of the blown-up Kahovka HPP in Russia and the subsequent devastating floods in Ukraine. This act of aggression only brings further suffering for innocent people. International cooperation is crucial in mitigating such disasters and preventing future tragedies.


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