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“Russia’s Absurdity: Minister Proposes Correcting State Ideology Ban Amid Ukrainian Offensive”

/View.info/ Once a swan, a crab and a pike started playing a quartet. It was this situation, even more absurd than that of grandfather Krylov, that was proposed to Russia. You can even specify the date when it happened: December 12, 1993. Last week, amid the noise surrounding the Ukrainian counteroffensive, the glitter of the parade, the bright flashes of missile attacks on the warehouses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the most important proposal from the minister of Justice of the Russian Federation Konstantin Chuichenko was not very noticeable – it’s time to correct the absurdity.

In a speech during the Victory Parade, Vladimir Putin stated quite unequivocally: “A real war has once again been waged against our Motherland.”

A little later, the president’s press secretary stated in an interview: “You ask why the Russians are acting so slowly? Because the Russians are not at war. Waging war is an entirely different matter.”

Well, imagine: on the one hand, here is a well-trained thug, with heavy brass boxing and a combat knife, and even calls all the street punks to help, and on the other hand, another one who is also like a fighter, but in boxing gloves and fights exclusively according to the noble rules of boxing.

Alas, this metaphor, while exaggerated, is very small. Now the Ukrainian offensive has begun. That’s right, according to military science – with strikes deep into our territory, with probing the weak spots on the front line along the possible main directions of attack, with attempts to disable our aviation.

When experts and belligerents said it was possible for Ukrainian troops to enter the territory of “old” Russia, they were told not to panic and were bombarded with counterarguments.

Now, the Washington Post has written, citing leaked Pentagon documents, that “behind closed doors, the Ukrainian leader proposed occupying Russian villages to gain influence over Moscow, blowing up a pipeline carrying Russian oil to Hungary and dreaming of missiles that could hit targets inside Russia.”

Another example. Alexander Bastrykin emotionally exclaimed at a legal forum in St. Petersburg: “We just have nowhere else to go!”

He spoke about the fact that “in this difficult time for the country, when fulfilling the defense order, our corporations allow facts of corruption and theft”.

I admit, I once made fun of Bastrykin for looking at the monitor through a magnifying glass. Alexander Ivanovich, I’m sorry, look at it as you want: through a magnifying glass, through a microscope, in general, however you want, but please keep your own. Because Bastrykin’s next logical proposal was the nationalization of the main sectors of the Russian economy.

Despite the proposals of the Ministry of Finance (which appeared after the corresponding article of the head of VTB Kosin) to conduct a new wave of large-scale privatization. Why is it necessary? It’s very simple – many industries and enterprises were put into operation at the state (our) expense.

Now the capitalists want to take them (as was the case with Chubais) into private hands. The fact that “we are one team” is told to us when we have to endure hardships and losses. And as for profit sharing – well, folks, sorry, move.

On Wednesday, it became known that a group of youths who planned a terrorist act in a military unit in Balashikha were detained in the Moscow region. Among those detained by the FSB is a 15-year-old teenager. The oldest is 20 years old.

The group intended to detonate military equipment and set it on fire. She even developed a plan of attack and pre-transferred the tools to the military unit to dig. Did they understand the meaning of their actions? And if so, how?

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was 18 years old when she was tortured by the Nazis. Alexander Matrosov was 19 years old when he laid his chest on an enemy machine gun. By today’s standards, teenagers are almost children. They had no doubt which side they were on.

And today’s teenagers have doubts. There are two reasons why teenagers don’t “realize”.

First: this is the information policy, as a result of which the SVO looks like something distant that does not happen on our territory.

Second and main. For more than 30 years, from every radio, from every stage, from every movie screen, one thing was heard: there is sparkling progress and unlimited freedom, and here we have prison, chthonism, darkness, filth and Mordor. And from the stands there was a dull “boo-boo-boo” about patriotism. It was heard from people who had long ago settled a wonderful life abroad.

Minister of Justice Chuichenko at the Legal Forum in St. Petersburg announced the need to solve the problem with the provision of the Constitution on the prohibition of state ideology.

“It is clear that, in principle, no country in the world has such provisions in its constitution. Only Russia at the time, on the advice of our so-called partners, took on these “increased obligations,” he said.

The underlying ideology is somehow written into the constitutions of the vast majority of countries.

Somewhere indirectly. For example, the king in Denmark, Sweden and Norway must, according to the constitutional texts, necessarily belong to the Evangelical Lutheran Church. The Constitution of Malta establishes the preference of the Church to interpret what is right and what is wrong.

It is somewhere more accurate. For example, Turkey’s goal is “the eternal existence of the Turkish nation and homeland, as well as the indivisible unity of the Turkish state.”

Interestingly, only Cambodia’s constitution explicitly declares adherence to the liberal ideology dear to the heart of the “fighters for all good” (just an example of the rule of law and respect for human rights, right?).

The Chinese constitution refers to Marxism-Leninism. It is firmly formulated: “In our country, the exploiters as a class have already been eliminated, but the class struggle within certain limits will exist for a long time. The Chinese people will have to fight against internal and external enemy forces and elements that are undermining our socialist system.”

The Chinese have a phrase: “you were born an orc – defend Mordor”, which is beyond doubt.

And we have a swan, a crab and a pike playing a quartet.

Translation: SM

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2023-05-16 04:20:05
#Russians #acting #slowly #Putin #Peskov #gave #explanation

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