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Russians warned that COVID-19 situation remains difficult

Russia comes out of quarantine on coronavirus. Health care and the economy as a whole have done well, but premature haste could throw us back again. There is still a whole month of summer ahead, but at a meeting with the president today, forecasts for the fall were sounded. AND alarming forecasts… New strains of influenza that are still unknown to us will come to Russia, and in the fight against coronavirus, it is even more impossible to relax.

The upcoming autumn of 2020 in Russia will be the first when, along with the usual seasonal SARS and flu, the coronavirus will also actively circulate. Therefore, preparation for the epidemiological season – as for the heating season – is controlled at the highest level.

“By the autumn-winter period, we usually put the power industry in order, carry out the appropriate repair work, and so on. But in today’s conditions, it’s time to talk about how we are preparing from the point of view of medicine,” the Russian president said.

In Russia, the infection curve has stabilized. The strategy of phasing out the restrictions worked.

“The number of new cases detected is now almost two times lower than during the peak values ​​of May. At the same time, I want to say right away that the situation remains difficult, and as they say, it can swing in any direction. And therefore there is no reason for complacency, for to relax, to forget about the recommendations of doctors, no. I am now addressing both the authorities and all citizens of our country, “said Vladimir Putin.

The month remains until the start of the school year. The time over which prevention should be strengthened, including an increase in testing for COVID-19 and medical examination.

“We have made a decision – to start the new school year in schools as usual in September, if there are no additional risks in certain regions. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that traditional school lines are carried out in strict accordance with anti-epidemic measures. All schools will be disinfected and organized thermometry, the provision of antiseptic agents has been established, and the opportunity to use personal protective equipment has been provided, “said Tatiana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister.

In September, the classrooms of universities are again filled, collectives gather in full force in the offices of production and with the deterioration of the weather ARVI begins to grow. Up to 700 thousand cases are registered every week. But basically these are adenoviruses, while the flu is almost invisible, it waits until December. Then a sharp increase and at the peak of the incidence in the second half of January, up to one million six hundred thousand cases of infections are recorded, in which the share of influenza is already 60-80%.

This season, the coronavirus will definitely be added to them, so according to the forecast, a whole combination of dangerous pathogens, including new strains, is expected in the fall and winter.

“The forecast of the World Health Organization that influenza viruses will come to us such that we were not vaccinated either in the past or in previous years. This once again emphasizes the relevance of immunization against influenza this season,” said Anna Popova, head of Rospotrebnadzor , Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation.

A flu shot will help remove a significant portion of the risks. Proven effectiveness. Last winter, serious epidemics were avoided – 74 million Russians were vaccinated.

“To be vaccinated against the flu or not is, of course, the personal choice of each person. But it is also a colossal responsibility of each person for their own health and the health of their loved ones. Especially parents for the health of their babies. The principle of voluntariness, of course, must be strictly observed. At the same time, It is necessary to widely inform people about the importance of vaccinations against influenza and SARS, inform when and in which medical institution they can be done free of charge, by appointment, preferably without queues, of course. The whole process should be organized as conveniently as possible for citizens, especially the elderly or parents with children, with children, “the head of state noted.

In turn, two Russian coronavirus vaccines are already on the way. One of them was developed at the Gamaleya Research Institute of the Ministry of Health in conjunction with the central research institute of the Ministry of Defense.

“The clinical part of the trials on one of them has already been completed. Documents are being prepared for examination. Enterprises are preparing to replicate and produce a mass vaccine. We plan that September-October, these are the months when the volume and supply will begin to increase. Another vaccine developed by the Vector Research Center, received permission for clinical trials. And today they are being carried out, “said Mikhail Murashko, Minister of Health.

“The key requirements for a vaccine are its proven efficacy and safety. Therefore, we need to act very carefully and carefully, in compliance with all the requirements and rules in this complex area. Confidence in the vaccine must be absolute. This is what we will proceed from when making further decisions on vaccination against coronavirus, “Putin explained.

In the meantime, one of the most effective methods of combating COVID-19 is the timely identification and isolation of those infected. The volume of testing in Russia will be increased, including so that during the growth of seasonal diseases, patients with common ARVI do not end up in the same ward with patients with coronavirus. In the capital, 70 thousand tests are already being done per day, that is, about a million people are checked over a two-week period.

“Citizens can sign up in the electronic queue, come and, if they wish, be tested either for ELISA tests or for PCR in polyclinics. Such free access gives efficiency 5 times higher than screening studies. That is, we find 5 times more when people come by themselves, “said Sergei Sobyanin, the mayor of Moscow.

And sometimes, on the contrary, it is better not to go to the clinic. And for such cases, the health care system must be restructured.

“It is important during the period of flu and colds that citizens, including those with chronic diseases, should have the opportunity to receive advice, recommendations remotely, so that, if there is no urgent need to go to the doctor, once again so as not to go to the clinic, where there is objectively increased risk of encountering seasonal infection, “the head of the country said.

The regulations of Rospotrebnadzor have already proved their high efficiency many times. And here is new research data. In water – fresh and marine coronavirus does not multiply. The conclusion was key when making decisions about opening resorts. In boiling water, COVID-19 instantly dies. Specially studied and how the virus behaves on various surfaces.

“On stainless steel, on linoleum, on glass, on plastic, ceramic tiles, the virus persists for up to 48 hours, therefore, all our recommendations for surface treatment are extremely important. We have tested and how all disinfectants work. Ethyl and isopropyl alcohols, even at a concentration of 30 % are able to destroy up to a million virus particles in 30 seconds, “Anna Popova said.

Disinfectants, masks, gloves, protective suits – on behalf of the President, Russia is creating a reserve of everything necessary to combat COVID-19.

“In order for the health care system to come fully armed to the autumn-winter period, we must have these weapons. And what is this? These are medicines, necessary equipment, personal protective equipment, and so on,” the president recalled.

“We have completely stopped buying antiques products abroad. And today we provide all the current needs of healthcare, and have formed stocks of various types of personal protective equipment and other necessary medical products in the regions,” said Sergei Tsyb, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade.

The introduction and removal of restrictions in a particular region remains the responsibility of local authorities. In Moscow, for example, the ban on mass events will remain at least until the end of August.

“The most important thing is, of course, to protect the life and health of our people, to ensure the safety of Russian families. All levels and authorities should build their plans and actions in this very logic. Please note that there are no secondary issues, questions that can be postponed until later. Each area, each area of ​​work to protect the health of our citizens is extremely important and requires our maximum attention and concentration of resources, “- Putin set the task.

In all regions, beds will remain in reserve in the event of an outbreak of COVID-19.

“It is important to calculate in advance, take into account all these risks, both individually and their potential combination, to prepare in advance so that even in conditions of increased workload our hospitals and clinics work stably, and citizens receive high-quality medical care, both emergency and planned, and , of course, in full, without any failures. And, of course, everything must be done to try to avoid the re-introduction of the restrictive regime through preventive and proactive measures, “the Russian president summed up.

The goal is that even in unusual conditions, schools, kindergartens, enterprises and organizations can work and feel safe.

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