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Russians want to ban flights to Montenegro – Rambler / News

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The State Duma threatened to consider the possibility of not returning flights to Montenegro because of “mass repressions against believers,” reports Prime.-

The head of the State Duma Committee on the Development of Civil Society, Issues of Public and Religious Associations, the President of the General Assembly of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy (MAP), Sergey Gavrilov, condemned Montenegro for the detention of seven clergymen of the Serbian Orthodox Church, in particular, Bishop of Budimlyan-Niksic Ioannikii.-

“The ongoing mass repressions against believers and the violation of human rights in Montenegro raise the question of Russia considering the possibility of non-resumption of regular flights and tourist charter flights to Montenegro, since there are no guarantees of security for our tourists in this country,” Gavrilov said.

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As the Rambler reported, the clergy of the Serbian Orthodox Church were detained on May 12 for 72 hours for holding a meeting of believers at the feast of St. Basil of Ostrog. After that, mass protests were held in several cities of Montenegro. Metropolitan of the Montenegrin-Primorsky Serbian Orthodox Church (TWS) Amfilohij said that the actions of the Montenegrin authorities lead to a civil war.

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