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Russians occupied the account of the presidential administration

“Now, as never before, the winners are strong and united!”, “Glory to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War”, as well as three-time “cheers” and choral performance of “Victory Day”. And all these are comments in the official account of the US Presidential Administration. The last few days it is there that the point of attraction for Russian-speaking users. All because of the statement of the White House press service that only two countries defeated Nazism – the United States and Great Britain. And this shameful silence about the role of the Soviet Union did not go unnoticed. The last time the unanimity of the Russian-speaking was on Instagram Lady Gaga. But now everything is much more serious. There are tens of thousands of comments. Periodically, they disappear – the moderators of the page are clearly trying to cope with the influx of angry users, but so far they have failed. In place of deleted records, new ones immediately appear. In addition to indications of the well-known historical truth, they remember their veterans, publish their merits and tell in detail about the military route.

The American spirit can defeat not only Nazism, but common sense. The most viewed post on the White House Instagram account. Neither Trump’s statement on speedy stabilization of the economy, nor a photo of the fresh meeting of the American president with Mike Pompeo deserved such attention. Over two million views and 213 thousand comments.

“The handsome men won the Second World War, the besieged Petersburg defended, the battle of Stalingrad passed and the flag on the Reichstag was hoisted. You guys are better,” Timati writes. (spelling and punctuation copyright)

It was the third day of the siege of Instagram, because the Russians, as you know, do not give up. And in this battle, everyone is equal – politicians, singers, actors, TV presenters in the same ranks as ordinary citizens. Despite the arrogant silence of the White House and regular cleansing of comments, only 20 thousand were deleted yesterday, in all the well-known languages ​​of the world, the United States was caught lying, teaching them history lessons and publishing texts of Soviet military songs. The Immortal Regiment, which did not take place on the streets of Moscow, marched triumphantly at Washington’s dastardly and rash statement. Indeed, the true truth and memory of the dead 27 million are much more difficult to erase than objectionable reviews.

“I published the post primarily in English, the beginning there in English, because now it is important that you are not heard by Russian-speaking people. But those people who speak other languages, those people who are intentionally taught a different story at school, here they should pay attention to the answer, “says People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, general director of the Big Moscow State Circus on Vernadsky Avenue Edgard Zapashny.

However, it will hardly be possible to find foreigners in the dense battalions of Russian-speaking users. Like any apology from the White House. The publication obviously claims the status of an official statement, naturally and logically, quite in the spirit of the general tendency of rewriting history. And do not blame it on a mistake, because mistakes are usually recognized and trying to correct.

“First, they’re trying to wash themselves off, because there’s nothing to be proud of, most European countries simply do not have their own victory. In the current political environment, many Americans, and many British, and many French, and many other Europeans seem more correct to rewrite this story in favor of the so-called European solidarity, where there is no place for the then Soviet Union, which defeated Nazi Germany, and the place of modern Russia ” – says the head of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

And to argue with this, it’s perhaps difficult, because before the burden of the countries of the victors, the USA and Great Britain carefully watched, but did not try to stop Hitler’s bloody procession. The USSR became the eleventh victim of the Reich. So, before him there were already ten of them – most of the countries of Europe, including France. And the Tehran Conference, which made Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill allies, occurred after the crushing defeats of Germany in Stalingrad and Kursk. And if for the Soviets this war was the only way to survive, then for the Allies it was the only way to seize a piece of world influence.

“As part of a strategy to transform the United States into a superpower, the hegemonic claims of the United States to dominate the post-war world, they had to be reinforced through some scenarios, some option for ending the war in Europe. And this option for ending suggested that they land, demonstrate their alignment and they’ll start to decide, divide, indicate to countries and peoples how and where, and by what rules they should live, ”says Yuri Nikiforov, head of the scientific department of the Russian Military Museum, Associate Professor, Institute of History and Politics of the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

That gives carte blanche to the states to ignore the statements of the Baltic states, Poland and Prague, lining the ground with the monuments of Soviet liberation wars, silently follow the Bandera marches in Kiev, and most importantly – do not rethink our own policies over the past 75 years. After all, the winners really are not judged. None but the true winners.

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