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Russians and Belarusians are not allowed into Ukraine: border guards reacted to rumors

The day before, information spread on the network that Ukrainian border guards massively do not allow citizens of the Russian Federation to enter the country. It was noted, they say, that they are allowed to cross the border only if there is a certificate of death of a relative.

The State Border Service called it rumors, reports “Telegraph”. At the same time, the department did not respond to similar complaints of Belarusians, which appeared on social networks even earlier. (to view the photo, scroll the news to the end).

“Inadmissibility” of Russians

February 12 Russian Telegram channel Mash referring to his subscribers, he said that when crossing the border of Ukraine, Russians are “checked after getting off the plane or bus and invited for an interview with the military.” In addition, the arrivals were allegedly forced to write a “refusal to cross the border.”

Video of the day
Russians complain about denied entry to Ukraine

In a post from another Russian channel on Telegram “Protests around the world” it was said that “from 12 o’clock on February 12, Ukraine stopped letting all citizens of Russia, except for those whose relatives died.” It was emphasized that they were allowed into the country only for funerals.

Russian Complaints

Information was disseminated by some media. Although in the comments to these posts, other subscribers noted that they did not see any problems at airports.

Complaints of Russians about non-admission to Ukraine

“A number of various media reported that Ukraine today, 02/12/2022, stopped letting all citizens of the Russian Federation into its territory! The exception is those who have relatives here. Almost eight years have not passed … That’s right,” Ukrainian blogger Nazar Prikhodko responded v Facebook.

Russian commentsSimilar complaints of Belarusians

Another February 11 in the Telegram channel “Belarusian House in Ukraine (BSU)” wrote that on Friday morning, citizens began to receive reports of problems with entering Ukraine.

Complaints of Belarusians about non-admission to Ukraine

“According to unconfirmed information, 8 people were landed at the land border – citizens of Belarus. People arriving at the Boryspil airport also undergo special control with individual interrogation and checking personal photos on the phone,” the post said.

Complaints of Belarusians

They added that the majority of Belarusians, after an in-depth check, let them through, “but there are cases of denied entry.” People were therefore advised to be prepared to “document the reason” for crossing the border.

Comments of Belarusians

Russian Telegram channel Mash published a document allegedly certifying the above situation. According to him, a citizen of Belarus was denied entry due to “lack of sufficient financial support for the period of stay in the country and for returning back.”

Document on refusal of admission to Ukraine to a citizen of BelarusThe State Border Guard Service refutes the data

press secretary State Border Service (GPSU) Andriy Demchenko refuted statements about non-admission of Russian citizens to Ukraine.

“You should not be guided by rumors. There is Ukrainian legislation regulating the crossing of the state border, and the border guards clearly adhere to it,” he replied in a comment “Telegraph”.

Screenshot of the post

At the same time, he noted that every day dozens of foreigners receive a refusal to enter Ukraine from border guards. The reasons may be different: for example, the lack of necessary documents, the ban on crossing the border for individuals, the inability of a citizen of another state to confirm the purpose of the visit.

Screenshot of a blog post

According to Demchenko, there are also Russians among such people, who, like everyone else, need to fulfill the conditions for entry before entering Ukraine. The department did not comment on the data on Belarusians.

As reported by OBOZREVATEL, during 2021 About 7,000 Russian citizens were not allowed into Ukraine. Compared to the previous year, this share increased by 2.5 times.

Message from the OBOZREVATEL team

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