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Russian War Veteran Seeks Political Asylum in France Amid Accusations of War Crimes: The Case of Filatiev

The publication also got acquainted with the document that Filatyev received from the French refugee agency OFPRA.

Filatiev participated in Russia’s war against Ukraine from February to April 2022. He was wounded and then left the service. After that, he published the book “ZOV 56”, in which he criticized the Russian military command and described the life of the soldiers.

In August 2022, Filatiev left Russia, but then asked for political asylum in France. He was supported by the human rights protection organization “Gulagu.net”.

According to “Agenstvo”, after Filatyev moved, his relationship with the founder of “Gulagu.net” Vladimir Osechkin deteriorated.

“In March 2023, Vladimir Osechkin accused Filatyev of hiding information from him and the media about the killing of the Ukrainians he participated in arresting,” the publication states.

Among other things, in an interview with “Dn.se” Filatyev said that some Ukrainians captured by him and other soldiers were later shot or hanged. According to Osechkin, Filatyev “de facto” hid his participation” in war crimes and cannot apply for political asylum.

Filatiev explained to the publication “Agenstvo” that he did not personally participate in the executions, but only heard about them.

As he pointed out, the fact that he received political asylum is evidence that the French authorities have investigated these allegations and concluded that he did not participate in war crimes.

2023-07-18 11:53:00
#France #granted #asylum #Russian #paratrooper

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