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Russian Troops Experiment with Kamikaze Tanks: Turning Armored Vehicles into Massive Car Bombs

In the midst of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, Russian troops have been resorting to a new and brutal tactic: turning armored vehicles into massive car bombs. This alarming development was captured in a recent video, which shows an outdated tank charging towards a line of trees before being stopped by an explosion. From the trees, a ground-launched weapon, possibly a rocket-propelled grenade, strikes the tank, causing a massive explosion and blast wave from secondary explosive devices.

These kamikaze tanks bear some resemblance to the tactics employed by Islamic State fighters, who use car bombs to attack convoys and terrorize their enemies. However, this tactic comes at the expense of using the tanks for more effective strategies, such as quickly overwhelming the enemy with superior firepower.

Retired General Mark Hertling, who previously commanded the US military in Europe and now serves as a military analyst for CNN, expressed his disbelief at the Russian tactic on Twitter. He wrote, “Fill a tank with explosives, have a volunteer drive it, point it at the enemy, and eventually jump out of it. What nonsense way of conducting armored operations by the Russians.”

On Saturday, Russian troops employed a similar trick by equipping a captured Ukrainian MT-LB armored fighting vehicle with five bombs and 3.5 tons of explosives. The resulting explosive power of this vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) is enormous, but its delivery is challenging.

According to a Russian officer who led the operation, the driver of the VBIED put the car in neutral about 300 meters from the enemy, sent it sideways, and then jumped out. The Russians claim that the operation resulted in a significant number of Ukrainian casualties, although this claim could not be independently verified.

Videos released by Russia’s state-run TASS news agency show the interior of a vehicle filled with bombs and explosives. Other videos filmed from Russian positions depict massive fireballs resulting from these attacks. While these videos may serve as war pornography for Russian ultranationalists, it is difficult to determine the actual impact of these dramatic attacks on the front line, especially as Ukraine continues to reclaim parts of its territory.

Russia’s reliance on these tactics is indicative of the situation on the ground. As Hugo Kaamann, a researcher who tracks VBIEDs, pointed out, “Car bombs are typically used by technologically inferior powers that do not have an air force capable of blowing up their enemies’ redoubts and heavy vehicles. Russia, of course, has a powerful air force. But Ukraine effectively forced them to fly away from the battlefield, leveling the odds on the ground.”

The use of kamikaze tanks by Russian troops highlights their desperation in the face of the Ukrainian counteroffensive. As the conflict continues to escalate, it remains to be seen how these tactics will impact the overall outcome.
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What role should the international community play in addressing the use of kamikaze tanks and finding a diplomatic resolution to the conflict in Ukraine

E enemy, and ignite it? Nuts. And embarrassing. Tanks have so many other capabilities!”

The use of kamikaze tanks raises concerns about the escalating brutality of the conflict in Ukraine and the disregard for civilian lives. These tactics not only endanger the lives of the Russian soldiers operating the vehicles, but also pose a significant threat to the Ukrainian military and innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.

Experts believe that the Russian army’s adoption of this tactic indicates a desperation to maintain control and inflict maximum damage on the Ukrainian forces. As the Ukrainian counteroffensive continues to push back against Russian-backed separatists, the use of kamikaze tanks demonstrates a shift towards more ruthless and unconventional methods of warfare.

This development highlights the need for international intervention and a diplomatic resolution to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The use of kamikaze tanks not only violates the rules of engagement and established norms of warfare but also further destabilizes the region and undermines international peace efforts.

It is crucial for the international community to condemn these tactics and put pressure on Russia to halt the use of kamikaze tanks. The increasing brutality and disregard for human life in this conflict demand swift and decisive action to protect the innocent civilians who continue to suffer the consequences of this violent struggle.

1 thought on “Russian Troops Experiment with Kamikaze Tanks: Turning Armored Vehicles into Massive Car Bombs”

  1. The concept of turning armored vehicles into kamikaze tanks is concerning and raises questions about the future tactics of Russian troops. It is crucial to closely monitor and understand the implications of such experimentation to maintain global security.


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