Home » News » Russian State Duma Deputy Calls for Changes in Laws to Stop Invasion of Reptiles and Sex with Foreigners

Russian State Duma Deputy Calls for Changes in Laws to Stop Invasion of Reptiles and Sex with Foreigners

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A member of the State Duma has called for changes to the laws to stop the invasion of reptiles in Russia and to stop Russian women from having sex with foreigners.

The Russian scientific journal “Legal Science: History and Present” published an article by the State Duma deputy Igor Ananskih and four other authors. It talks about the invasion of extraterrestrial intelligence trying to destroy Russia, the world government, and the irreparable consequences of sex with foreigners for Russian women. The authors propose changes in Russian laws. In a conversation with the agency, the deputy said that he will bring these initiatives to the State Duma.

The article was published in the latest issue of the magazine. We offer you several citations that allow to evaluate the level of scientific content of the article.

▪️On the origin of people: “There are two main types of people living on planet Earth: ‘earth people’ created in the image and likeness of God, and people created ‘from the dust of the earth’ using cosmic genetic technology. The first, God’s people, the creators, are guided by the highest – moral principles. Their values ​​are peace, family, children, worship of the woman-mother, creation, preservation of nature.

The other type – clay products; genetically modified creatures; AI. Their values: war, murder, terror, revolutions, brothels, pedophilia, cannibalism, drug addiction, destruction of the life support system of the spaceship “Planet Earth”… Biological artificial intelligence imposes its “immoral” values ​​through politics, culture, media, economy etc. values ​​for “galactic people”.

▪️For World Government: “There are secret structures on planet Earth that largely shape the way of life and behavior of Earth’s population. American intelligence officer John Coleman talks about these structures in his book “The Committee of 300”. The structures of this committee are fighting for the transfer of power on planet Earth to representatives of the reptoid space civilization.
And for that they have to destroy the Russian population of Russia.

▪️On the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

As a result of the implementation of the Harvard Project, the USSR was destroyed. After the collapse of the USSR, about 1 million Russians were killed with particular cruelty in the republics of Central Asia: teachers, doctors, cultural workers, engineers, etc. Now the inhabitants of these republics are migrating en masse to Russia, becoming a mass object of murder, rape, robbery.”

▪️For sex with foreigners

“A vivid example of the consequences of sex with foreign sexual partners can be seen in many international festivals and sports Olympic games, when Russian women indulged in black men. Subsequently, such women began to give birth to white, genetically healthy men, black and dim-witted.

▪️For oral sex. “Oral sex causes throat and mouth cancer.”

▪️For nightclubs. “Woman writhing around a pole is an element of Satanism.”

▪️For liberalism. “Liberalism is the transformation of man into a beast focused only on the satisfaction of basic instincts.

▪️For democracy. “Democracy gave birth to oral sex.”

▪️Derivations: The authors suggest informing the spouses entering into marriage about sexually transmitted diseases, childbirth and abortion of the partner. And marriages to women whose “premarital sex life, STDs and abortions have severely reduced their reproductive capacity” should be completely banned. At the birth of a second child, the authors suggest donating a car and replacing the apartment with a three-room apartment.

Source: Telegram channel “Agency. News

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2023-12-18 17:57:00

#Russian #Democracy #gave #birth #oral #sex

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