Home » today » World » Russian self-defense units do not receive weapons: “The rifle begets power” – 2024-09-24 17:22:58

Russian self-defense units do not receive weapons: “The rifle begets power” – 2024-09-24 17:22:58

/ world today news/ Governor Gladkov on Friday said that during a terrorist attack on the territory of the Belgorod region on May 22, a member of the local self-defense was shot in the head. He did not die in battle, but he was killed. According to Gladkov, seven full-fledged trained self-defense battalions with a total of three thousand people have already been formed in the area. But as a weapon, they have nothing but the desire to protect their home and homeland.

More than a year ago, both military experts and counter-terrorism specialists, military commissioners and simply concerned citizens were aware that armed self-defense units were needed in the conditional border zone. It was written and talked about. Since last fall, they even started to prepare the squads. Gladkov said that they had even prepared them.

But first, the Ukrainian DRG (sabotage-reconnaissance group) entered the Bryansk region three kilometers away, disguising themselves, passing through secret paths. Remember, it was in March when 10-year-old Fedor, after being injured, saved two girls?

Now here is an armed formation, for some reason called DRG, not hiding on armored vehicles on the roads, attacking a border post, passing and shelling villages, entering 10 kilometers. Plays tiktoks, waves flags. And this is where the “notch line”, “dragon’s teeth” and other beauties are.

Of course, “during the anti-terrorist operation, the national formations were blocked and defeated. The remnants of the nationalists were pushed back into the territory of Ukraine, where they continued to be defeated until they were completely eliminated.

And now the “border” governors are starting to talk about the need to arm the self-defense units. Because these governors, as they say, are in a place where they have to answer to the people with deeds and not with presentations.

The same Gladkov communicates almost daily with the residents of the area. And now he says it is necessary to legislate the issue of weapons for self-defense units.

Kursk Oblast Governor Starovoit also said that members of territorial defense units should be given the right to use weapons in the region. And even offered his options on how to organize it.

But it’s not about the options. And for their table. Even the risky experience of Ukraine with the uncontrolled distribution of weapons to all who want to go to the defense showed that there was no increase in banditry or crime (which our “experts” predicted).

Yes, there were excesses, but at the level of statistical error. And as a result, Ukraine got thousands of people who know how to hold weapons in their hands. And we have, after all, the initial conditions for the distribution of arms, which can be said to be ideal – people are motivated, prepared and even proven.

And the issue is not entirely in the bureaucracy, which, they say, does not know how to work quickly. We see how “within two or three hours everyone is put in their place” – they just start talking about some necessary law, and the very next day the Duma accepts it in three readings at once.

Although there is a ‘bureaucratic’ component here, it is true that additional gestures will have to be made for the good of the people and the defense of the country. And people and their concerns are not the reason you leave the spa.

The main reason why we still don’t have armed self-defense units is bureaucratic fear, the question of the existence of the bureaucracy in its current form. When the official for the most part is not a civil servant, but a lord, a feudal lord. And only he decides who will protect the Motherland.

The deputy and general Kartapolov a month ago asked a revealing question in his frankness, which he offered to answer the authorities before arming the citizens: “Do we trust our people with regard to the responsibility for the security of our border territories?” Kartapolov himself, let’s say , believes, but he outlined the essence of the problem. After Lenin and Mao.

Mao formulated: “The rifle begets power.” The armed self-defense units are now a real civil society, it is now truly “we are the power here”. Which can force an official (as opposed to running with yellow ducks for the fun of power) to be what he should be – to serve the people.

“We know that a different voice is now rising among the masses of the people; they say to themselves: now there is no need to fear a man with a gun, because he protects the workers and will be merciless in suppressing the domination of the exploiters”. This is Lenin. You cannot say more clearly why we still do not have armed squads, ready to defend family, home and country.

Translation: SM

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