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“Russian Propaganda’s Desperate Move to Use Climate Weapons Against Enemies”

The propagandists of the Russian Federation are in despair after the appearance of the “DRG” ​​in the Belgorod region and are asking to hit the “enemies” with climate weapons.

Threats to use nuclear weapons did not help the Kremlin to frighten the collective West, so Russian propaganda decided to switch to a super-powerful but as yet uninvented know-how – climate weapons.

Propagandist Solovyov discussed this method of plunging Europe and the United States into darkness with a guest on the air. Personnel publishes TG-channel “Ukraine 365”.

Kind of worried, kinda worried. It’s time to turn on the climate weapon. Slap them backhand“, – said the host of the Russian Federation.

The guest supported Solovyov’s initiative, saying that he had long been calling for the resumption of work on climate weapons comparable in scale to nuclear weapons.

The impact of climatic means to insectize some presumptuous states, in terms of plunging them into pitch darkness. There are such opportunities‘, the speaker chuckled.

Recall that new rumors about the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons in the war against Ukraine appeared after the drone attack on the Kremlin. US intelligence thinksthat the threat of nuclear war is still too low.

Meanwhile, the Russian military, frightened by the “DRG” ​​in the Belgorod region, started urgently export from the region nuclear facility. By the way, local residents were not warned about the dangerous neighborhood.


Author: Anastasia Yugova

2023-05-23 17:49:14
#Inflated #DRG #Solovyov #dreams #infecting #West #superweapon #Russian #Federation #Blow #backhand

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