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Russian oligarch Oleg Tinkov against war in Ukraine

On Tuesday, Russian entrepreneur and oligarch Oleg Tinkov, owner of Tinkoff Bank, a major financial institution, posted a post on Instagram in which he criticizes the Russian invasion of Ukraine very harshly, arguing that most Russians are against the war. In addition to Tinkoff Bank, Tinkov is known to have been the owner of for many years one of the strongest and most successful cycling teams everbut also for its extravagances and for criticism, often vulgaraimed at their cyclists and the organizers of major stage races.

Even in the post published on Tuesday on Instagram, Tinkov used very explicit language to have his say on the war in Ukraine, but beyond the form, it was the content that was decidedly unusual. Indeed, Tinkov is the first Russian oligarch to publicly expose himself against President Vladimir Putin’s decision to attack Ukraine.

It is not clear where he is at the moment, but it is likely that he is not in Russia where for statements like these he would face up to 15 years in prison, due to the law passed at the beginning of the war that punishes anyone who spreads news that the government considers ” false ”(ie contrary to government propaganda) on military operations in Ukraine.

In the post, written partly in Russian and partly in English, Tinkov says:

“I see NO beneficiaries of this mad war! Innocent people and soldiers die.
The Russian generals, waking up with a hangover, realized they had a shit army. But how can an army be good if everything else in the country is shit, in the quagmire of nepotism and servility? Kremlin officials are shocked that not only they, but their children as well, will not go to the Mediterranean this summer. Businessmen are trying to save what’s left of their properties. Sure, there are idiots who draw “Z”, but idiots in any country are 10%. 90% of Russians are AGAINST this war! Dear “West all together”, please grant Mr. Putin a way out to save face and stop this slaughter. Please be more rational and humanitarian “

– Read also: The war in Ukraine so far

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