Social networks are laughing at the fake video of Saldo, who is trying to convince local residents of the threat from the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
The leader of the Russian occupation administration in the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, published a fake in his Telegram channel, in which a Ukrainian military man allegedly threatens to kill supporters of the Russian Federation in the region. In the video, an unknown person against the backdrop of the Ukrainian flag with a strong Russian accent, distorting Ukrainian words, threatens the accomplices of the Russians. In the text for the video, Saldo tries to convince his subscribers that the video was allegedly filmed by the Ukrainian military.
The footage caused a storm of criticism on social networks. Users noted that the man’s speech in broken Ukrainian sounded unnatural, and his threats were absurd. Video in your Telegram channel published by journalist Denis Kazansky.
“In the absence of real Ukrainian Nazis, we have to dress up as Nazis ourselves and expose this shame, – he comments on the video of the Russians. – This is some kind of disgrace. Saldo and his henchmen are so confused in their fantasies that they no longer know what to invent.”
This is not the first time Saldo has published ridiculous fake news. It seems that The occupation authorities of the Kherson region are experiencing serious difficulties in creating propaganda, which could convince the population that the Ukrainian military supposedly pose a threat to civilians. Instead, they are forced to make fakes themselves, which cause laughter and contempt among local residents.
Previously Atesh partisans found a new location for the deployment of Russian military equipment in Crimea.
Author: Mark Voroshilov
2024-01-16 11:52:35
#Saldo #published #ridiculous #fake #Ukraine #actor #video #Network #laugh