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Russian Military Turns Against Blogger from “DPR” Brigade for War Publications

Russian Collaborator Falls Out of Favor with Military for War Publications

Mikhail Luchin, a collaborator from the 5th brigade of the “DPR” formation, has fallen out of favor with the Russian military due to his publications about the ongoing war. Luchin, who is fighting on the side of the unrecognized formation of the “DPR” and is also a part-time blogger, recently decided to address financial issues within his leadership. However, this move did not sit well with the Russian leadership, resulting in Luchin being summoned for investigation.

During the interrogation, Luchin was accused of violating the secrecy regime, which now puts him at risk of facing jail time. Despite this, it appears that the blogger has not fully grasped the cause and effect relationships of his actions, as he has decided to take an even bolder stance. In a new video, Luchin openly praised the Armed Forces of Ukraine, stating that he is prepared to spend several more years in prison.

Luchin boldly declared, “They (those who accuse him) have imagined something in their fantasies and think that something is unknown to the enemy. I explain: the enemy knows everything about us. The enemy sees, observes from cameras and drones all our supply routes, the enemy watches all our routes, the enemy sees all our paths, the enemy, an hour before our tanks arrive, starts shooting at the road along which the tanks will go. This is about the question of how we are with information security.”

According to Luchin, the Armed Forces of Ukraine closely monitor the movement of military equipment from the Russian Federation from multiple points, stating, “They can see miles deep! 2, 3, 4, 5! See our technology.”

In a surprising twist, Luchin also suggested that the military command, which has made claims against him, should switch places. He claimed to be ready to go to a pre-trial detention center, while they should be prepared to go to the front in attack aircraft.

In related news, it was reported that Z-publics had suffered significant damage after the undermining of Chongara. The impact resulted in a 70% reduction in all military and civilian traffic from the Russian Federation to the Zaporozhye and Kherson fronts. Supporters of the war have acknowledged that on June 23, Russia lost a land corridor to Crimea.

The situation surrounding Mikhail Luchin and his publications has raised concerns within the Russian military and highlights the ongoing complexities of the war. The Russian leadership will likely take further action against Luchin for his actions and statements, as they strive to maintain control and secrecy in the conflict.

Author: Anastasia Yugova

How might Luchin’s public criticism and allegations of corruption and incompetence within the leadership affect the image and legitimacy of the “DPR” and the separatist movement?

N further defiant stance against the Russian military. In a recent blog post, Luchin criticized the leadership’s handling of the war and accused them of corruption and incompetence.

This public criticism has worsened Luchin’s already strained relationship with the Russian military. His publication not only undermines the authority of his superiors but also exposes the internal divisions within the “DPR” formation. The Russian military, which has been supporting the separatists in eastern Ukraine, cannot tolerate such insubordination and public dissent.

Moreover, Luchin’s allegations of corruption and incompetence within the leadership damage the image of the “DPR” and raise questions about the legitimacy of its cause. By drawing attention to these issues, Luchin risks alienating not only the Russian military but also the local population, who may lose faith in the separatist movement.

This incident serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between transparency and secrecy in military operations. While it is important for soldiers and civilians to have access to information about the ongoing war, there are limits to what can be shared publicly. By crossing these boundaries, Luchin has not only jeopardized his own position but also potentially compromised the security and effectiveness of the “DPR” formation.

It remains to be seen how the Russian military will respond to Luchin’s defiance. However, it is clear that his actions have consequences, both for his own future and for the larger war effort. As the conflict in eastern Ukraine continues, it is crucial for all parties involved to maintain unity and address grievances through appropriate channels, rather than resorting to public criticism that only serves to further destabilize the situation.

1 thought on “Russian Military Turns Against Blogger from “DPR” Brigade for War Publications”

  1. It is concerning to observe the Russian military’s hostility towards a blogger from the “DPR” Brigade for his war-related publications. Freedom of expression should be upheld, even in the midst of conflicts, as it plays a vital role in promoting transparency and accountability.


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