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Russian military shot down own plane – British intelligence – Ukraine news, Politics


Russian invaders who invaded the territory of Ukraine shot down their own plane. This was announced by the director of the British electronic intelligence agency GCHQ Jeremy Fleming in his speech on March 31 in Australia. GCHQ.

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Fleming said that Putin is failing in his attempt to take over Ukraine, now he is using plan B – more barbaric in relation to civilians and cities.

According to a British intelligence officer, Putin made a big mistake in assessing the situation:

– underestimated the resistance of the Ukrainian people;

– underestimated the power of the coalition, which his actions will activate;

– underestimated the economic consequences of the sanctions regime;

– overestimated the capabilities of his armed forces to ensure a quick victory.

“We have seen how Russian soldiers, deprived of weapons and morale, refused to follow orders, disabled their own equipment, equipment, and even accidentally shot down their own plane,” Fleming said.

Putin’s advisers are afraid to tell him the truth, according to British intelligence, but the extent of these misjudgments should nonetheless be crystal clear to the regime.

REFERENCE. The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) is a British intelligence agency responsible for conducting electronic intelligence and ensuring the protection of information for government and army authorities.

Read also: British intelligence: the destruction of the Saratov large landing ship will wean the Russian Navy from approaching the coast of Ukraine

Natalia Medvedeva

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